[-] Zron@lemmy.world 2 points 5 hours ago

The comic background radiation is just the mii theme played at really slow speed

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 40 points 2 days ago

Because this is probably the best challenge to qualified immunity that’s ever been available.

Complete and utter dereliction of duty.

They even ignored their own department’s procedure on responding to an active shooter, so they can’t argue it wasn’t in their duty to stop the shooter, or they didn’t know how.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Plus Culver’s always has ice cream

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Blazing saddles was written with the golden rule of offensive comedy: don’t punch down or up, punch in all directions.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago


He was coherent in the past?

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 18 points 3 days ago

Amazingly generous of Kim to allow all of those soldiers to defect like that.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Yes, because the computer can fix the physical gears in the transmission.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Found on road dead

Fix or repair daily

Failure of Research/Development

Fucker only runs downhill

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

While wearing suicide vests

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 40 points 6 days ago

There’s a shocking number of people who will just go off into the woods with their clothes and a phone.

I went hiking with a date once who expected to be fine walking a ten mile trail with no water bottle. Some people have no real world experience of how much water you need when you’re exerting yourself for hours on end.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 16 points 6 days ago

No phones, no distractions, just a man living in the moment, getting stalked by a large cat just like his ancestors.

[-] Zron@lemmy.world 159 points 7 months ago

Be far more cruel to give all blind people eyesight for 3 years.

Just enough time to get used to it, enjoy it, maybe get a drivers license or start a career.

Then one day, it goes away again without explanation.

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