[-] ___@lemm.ee 1 points 2 hours ago

If your antenna is strong enough, you can pick up a lot of lower power devices from a long ways off.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 1 points 9 hours ago

List off the apps you use, find alternatives or figure out what you can run in wine if necessary.

Learn a little about your distro’s file structure and differences. It can save you hours troubleshooting.

Stay away from nvidia cards where possible, nothing but problems till I moved to AMD.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 1 points 9 hours ago

I asked her if she spoke Russian or Ukrainian, being from Ukraine. She went off an a rant about how she’s not Russian, and got pissed off about everything from that point forward.

Bullet dodged.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 2 points 11 hours ago

I blame developers who use discord. The interface is a mess, the company is enshitifying, and you can’t archive the past.

It maybe easier, but I question why anyone would willingly choose it over most anything else.

Note that this is different from being a dick about it and harassing people.

Do you Dig? (lemm.ee)
submitted 2 months ago by ___@lemm.ee to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net
[-] ___@lemm.ee 22 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I’m imagining etch-a-sketch plan routing.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 40 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Most people here don’t understand what this is saying.

We’ve had “pure” human generated data, verifiably so since LLMs and ImageGen didn’t exist. Any bot generated data was easily filterable due to lack of sophistication.

ChatGPT and SD3 enter the chat, generate nearly indistinguishable data from humans, but with a few errors here and there. These errors while few, are spectacular and make no sense to the training data.

2 years later, the internet is saturated with generated content. The old datasets are like gold now, since non of the new data is verifiably human.

This matters when you’ve played with local machine learning and understand how these machines “think”. If you feed an AI generated set to an AI as training data, it learns the mistakes as well as the data. Every generation it’s like mutations form until eventually it just produces garbage.

Training models on generated sets slowly by surely fail without a human touch. Scale this concept to the net fractionally. When 50% of your dataset is machine generated, 50% of your new model trained on it will begin to deteriorate. Do this long enough and that 50% becomes 60 to 70 and beyond.

Human creativity and thought have yet to be replicated. These models have no human ability to be discerning or sleep to recover errors. They simple learn imperfectly and generate new less perfect data in a digestible form.

submitted 4 months ago by ___@lemm.ee to c/hardware@lemmy.ml

If you don’t mind Chinese vendors from AliExpress. It’s probably the best deal you’re going to find.

submitted 4 months ago by ___@lemm.ee to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

If you don’t mind Chinese vendors from AliExpress. It’s probably the best deal you’re going to find.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 42 points 4 months ago

The difficulty is getting closed source hardware manufacturers to adopt it.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 90 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

These micro-examples are a reminder that corruption is a part of every human system, no matter how perfect the design.

There will always be concertgoers cutting the unwatched fence to sneak in for free.

The only plausible solution is elective transparency. Either your company and financial metadata are available for independent third party review, and records retained as defined, or else you’re not a company.

Don’t ascribe to it, get boycotted.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 82 points 7 months ago

Would not trust automatically downloading executables unless you have a sandbox.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 24 points 7 months ago

At this point, the initial attack was just an excuse.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 37 points 7 months ago

I can see it a little, but you’re overthinking it.

The director wanted his movie to be authentic, the city didn’t want to stir up the past. Director rightfully says ok, I have an alternative. City horrified of how it’s portrayed and folds.

The negative is that the swastika will fly for filming, obviously, promoting (very) indirectly.

That aspect doesn’t make this meme pro-nazi as I see it. The whole point is that a creative wanted something that the decision makers tried to block. The creative does what their name implies and finds a hack to get their vision closer to what ends up on film.

[-] ___@lemm.ee 71 points 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

There are some people that make 99% of the world 1% worse for the profit. The author lets them off the hook because “they’re just trying to make money”. As if having an understandable motive would redeem the “SEOs”.

Newsflash, it doesn’t. These are organized crime groups as far as I’m concerned. The law just hasn’t or $won’t$ prosecute them for the selfish damage they’ve caused.

If I have a society of 100 people, 2 start a search engine for the others, 1 starts an anti-search engine whose stated goal is to mislead the other search engine users while stealing profit from the 2 innovators who bettered humanity.

I spare no positive feelings for these pond-scum criminals.

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