[-] _danny@lemmy.world 33 points 5 months ago

Enough calories to feed you for the rest of your life.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 36 points 6 months ago

It was pretty funny tbh. He wouldn't do it all the time, just when a lobby was kinda dead. We were young immature teenagers during the beginnings of prank culture.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 37 points 6 months ago

I think it's important to consider why you think this. Try and explain what makes someone stupid.

I do tend to agree with the general statement that most people are pretty fucking stupid. If IQ were a meaningful number of intelligence, I'd wager that it's heavily skewed left. Meaning that the common saying of "think of how stupid the average person and realize half of all people are below that" is even worse when you use the median.

For me, what makes someone stupid is lack of curiosity, lack of drive to learn, and lack of critical thinking. I think stupidity is a learned trait, and our modern society is doing its damnedest to make sure children learn it as soon as possible. Never question authority, you only need to memorize so you can pass the test, and you will be spoon fed the information.

Then soon as you get out of school, you have to get a job and occupy most of your time with work or sleep, you'll likely get only two-three hours of time to yourself each day, meaning you'll lack the time to break out of the cycle. And the system compounds at most jobs. Your manager is likely stupid, meaning they want you to never question authority, just do what they tell you, and ask them very little questions.

I also think the trillions of dollars that are spent on advertising strongly influences this. And being constantly bombarded with psychological manipulation encourages stupidity.

I also think stupidity is compounding in and of itself. The less you know, the more you can just make hasty assumptions, then use those assumptions as fact for your next set of assumptions.

It's also contagious. Being around people who are less stupid than yourself makes you feel bad, so you aren't around them much or encourage them to join you in being stupid.

There is a massive difference between not knowing something, and choosing to not know something. Just about every person in the world has access to the greatest source of information that has ever been created. There are free courses on just about every topic you could ever desire to learn, fingertips away.

There is also a massive difference between knowing something and rote memorization. Being able to follow the logical chain of facts is very important, so is being able to critically think about a topic. I think being "bored" is great at combatting stupidity in this way. Spending time with no stimulation is great for engaging your brain in actual thoughts. Consider dedicating time to just thinking: no audiobooks, music, podcasts, video games, movies, TV shows, social media, books etc. Just sit and be bored for a while. Meditation is a great entry into this.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

If you have a Sam's or Costco in your area, you can get past the membership by using a gift card. You can also buy a gift card without a membership. Sometimes they're sticklers about it if you're there super early, because that's apparently "special members hour" or some shit, but the worst that happens is they tell you to leave.

If you can save up $15-20 for a 25lb sack of rice, it'll last about 100-150 meals, which means it's about 10-20¢ per meal. Just keep it in a plastic container to keep bugs out.

Get some cheap frozen vegetables and bulk, dried beans and you can eat pretty good for like a dollar per day.

Honestly it's kinda cruel that buying in bulk saves a ton of money, but the people that need it most can't afford to.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

The dude is 61, not even retirement age in the US. You don't need to be dramatic just yet.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

It's also a weight thing. Tampons are pretty light, it's like one hundred per pound, so they probably said "we can budget x pounds for this" and didn't think much about the reasoning behind why they're sending several hundred tampons into space, but we're entirely focused on how.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 34 points 7 months ago

All dogs are animals, not all animals are dogs.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

First I'm seeing it. That's the thing with reposts, the venn diagram of people who have seen it, and of people who have not seen it is rarely a circle.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 40 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Oh no! A statement which applies to the vast majority has some exceptions! Better break out the um-actually and technically-incorrect stamps.

As someone who has worked in IT, age has a strong negative correlation with tech literacy. Is every boomer tech illiterate? Of course not. Some boomers built the tech we use today. But most boomers are worse with tech than most ten year olds.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 38 points 9 months ago

It's very akin to reddit ~10 years ago. Grammar nazis, "um actually" and pedantic debates are everywhere. You just have to not engage and consistently remember the other guy is probably a sweaty nerd who cares way more than you do.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago

Controversial, but until they are diagnosed with a mental illness, you have to assume they are in control of their actions regardless of their age. If a medically mentally sound 70 year old man is sexually harassing people, he's just as guilty as someone half their age (not saying your parents would do that, just proving a point).

My personal opinion is you choose who you have relationships with, including family relationships. If you want to keep a relationship with them, you have to accept that they are choosing to act this way (again, assuming no medical/mental conditions) and decide to love them anyway.

If they are actually experiencing mental decline and not just relaxing their inhibitions, as so many older people tend to do, then you need to get them to a doctor fast. Everything from medication side effects to vitamin deficiency can cause mental decline. If they have early dementia, or some other incurable mental ailment, talk to a therapist about how to handle the situation and stay sane yourself. Caring for someone you know will never get well is extremely hard emotionally.

[-] _danny@lemmy.world 46 points 10 months ago

In the same vein, salt.

Try to stay under the daily recommended amount of 2500mg of sodium and see how limited your food options are.

Everything is loaded with salt now. Especially fast food. For example, my previous go-to meal at Zaxby's (the boneless wings and things plate) is over 4000mg of sodium for one meal. Add on a 1300mg sausage, egg, and cheese mcgriddle and a fried rice with soy sauce for dinner and I had several days worth of sodium without totally blowing my calorie budget.

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