[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Omg so shocking politicians are corrupt ass hats who literally exist in a different class than the rest of us.

Sounds like you've just always been a rube. So are you going further left or just voting for the people who literally tell you they don't care?

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

So brave of you to take such a moral high-ground. Convince me I'm wrong that we would all be better off as a country if the slaves who built the south owned the south after they were freed (obviously their previous masters would not just stand by and watch this happen).

Instead we limp along fighting a constant culture war of racism with literal white supremacists having invaded all forms of government and law enforcement, because we didn't end them once and for all when we had the chance.

Unfortunately, your point of view won out back then and brought us this shit hole of a political stage in which we now live. So you can at least feel proud of that. It's not like the country wasn't already founded on literal fucking genocide. You're fine to prosper off of those mass killings. Hypocrite.

Edit: don't you think it's sad the chattel slavery racists got the pass and the literally innocent native population got the barbarity? Fuck your perspective.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Username checks out. Also fuck landlords if this was posted unironically.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

You literally won't fucking care if you're dead lol?

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I swear, for a party that preaches tolerance, y’all have none.

That's exactly the point. I don't tolerate the right because they're batshit. Do not tolerate the intolerant.

Having tolerance for fascists and fascist messaging is exactly how you get Nazis.


Edit: also, the left is not "a party"

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

Whoa, watch out with that logical thinking around here. As has been demonstrated by votes in a comment chain of mine further up the thread, the number of women at the top of the chess scene is totally indicative of womens' intrinsic ability to play chess. It has nothing to do with the amount of women who play chess vs the amount of men who play chess! /s

But yeah, it's simple shit. If men outnumber women 100:1 in the competitive chess scene then obviously we expect women to be extremely under represented at the top. But misogynists gonna misogyny.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

What you have just said is that there is a cultural difference and I agree with that. Dont confuse that with a difference based on sex, or physiology, in other words.

Obviously, men and women on a 1:1 basis have equal potential to excel at chess, based on their sex, right?

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

It is the inevitable consequence of letting current humans have 100% free speech.

We need to stop tolerating the intolerant. The intolerant have just as much right to their message as the tolerant, which when you think about it is disgusting. As long as they don't literally call for a specific person or group of people's death they are totally within their rights to spread their bullshit. And it's not a situation where it becomes a "marketplace of ideas" and the most popular idea wins out. The intolerant will slowly bend government to their will to destroy the free speech they rode in on and put the tolerant against the wall as soon as politically possible.

Stop tolerating the intolerant.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Yes. And if someone asks me to guess the length of an object I will give centimetres, and refuse to translate to inches and their stupid fractions.

Some proud neckbeard shit right here. "Fuck communicating effectively with people. They don't even know I only use the metric system!"

But yeah, got em... I guess.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Literally the strategy for every act of corruption right now

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

All so the minority party can still play politics and be relevant. Would be an easy win for dems, but they're allergic to winning or executing policy that means they would continue to win. It's all a big clownshow failed-state made to look like we're not just serfs that toil our lives away for the profits of people who would just as soon kill us all as let go of their massive portion of global wealth.

[-] _wintermute@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

My generation has talked it to death. It's pretty agreed upon that we're being fucked and have very little power to stop it. Eventually you don't have time to rehash all the heinous shit that happens because you realize there's a constant deluge of it. Has nothing to do with "supporting the other side" lol. If reality has got you feeling insane, well, you're on the right track.

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