[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 6 points 4 hours ago

That's the honeypot

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 19 points 9 hours ago

The greatest argument against intelligent design

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 11 points 15 hours ago

I didn't even know it was an ietf standard. Let aline there were versions. Apparently it's only since may this year that there are 8 versions. Before it were only 5.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

I couldn't read the artìcle, because a the cyrillic pop up (possibly gdpr). The picture in the thumbnail is a man, so I assumed that was the man.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

I love it! I'm definitely going to do that, first thing monday morning. Better nate than lever.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

Color me shocked

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

That's all the confirmation I need to know that this is the man for the job.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

This looks so painful for the horse. As an old man with frequent back problems, I can feel it.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

You don't want to mix those up. You could really hurt Emily's feelings.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 59 points 2 days ago

Thank you America for growing your population so large. When climate change gets so bad that the dykes pop, we can just grab the nearest American to plug the hole and save humanity.

[-] abbadon420@lemm.ee 10 points 2 days ago

And again, porn is running the internet... i mean ruining.. sorry for the typo

submitted 3 weeks ago by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/europe@feddit.de
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/outoftheloop@lemmy.world

[Update: It seems to have been fixed now]

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/java@programming.dev

I teach a course in java and springboot for beginners. I would like to walk my students through the code of a real world java or springboot application. Can anyone recommend a good example?


In this letter, Dijkstra talks about readability and maintainability in a time where those topics were rarely talked about (1968). This letter was one of the main causes why modern programmers don't have to trouble themselves with goto statements. Older languages like Java and C# still have a (discouraged) goto statement, because they (mindlessly) copied it from C, which (mindlessly) copied it from Assembly, but more modern languages like Swift and Kotlin don't even have a goto statement anymore.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/news@beehaw.org

Update: the ship has been towed now

submitted 2 months ago by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/java@programming.dev


So I'm making a project in SpringBoot with Oauth security.

If I use Auth0 as my Authorization Server, I can register an application there and just say that I want user to be able to login with Google an Facebook. That's all it takes.

If I use Keycloak as my Authorization Server, I can also have users choose Google or Facebook as there prefered login, but in order to provide that, I have to register my app with Google and Facebook first.

So how come it's so easy with Auth0 and a little less easy with Keycloak? Is it a contract thing, does Auth0 have contracts with all these providers or something?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/programming@programming.dev

So I'm making a project in SpringBoot with Oauth security.

If I use Auth0 as my Authorization Server, I can register an application there and just say that I want user to be able to login with Google an Facebook. That's all it takes.

If I use Keycloak as my Authorization Server, I can also have users choose Google or Facebook as there prefered login, but in order to provide that, I have to register my app with Google and Facebook first.

So how come it's so easy with Auth0 and a little less easy with Keycloak? Is it a contract thing, does Auth0 have contracts with all these providers or something?

submitted 2 months ago by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/kotlin@programming.dev

I came across this post (and more like it) claiming extensions to be a good, or at least different, solution for mapping DTO's.

Are they though? Aren't DTO's supposed to be pure data objects? I've always been taught to seperate my mappings in special mapping services or mapping libraries like MapStruct and ModelMapper for implementing the good practice of "seperation of concerns".

So what about extensions?

submitted 3 months ago by abbadon420@lemm.ee to c/music@lemmy.world
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