He what??
These days is everyone at home
Bojack Horseman
Brooklyn 99
Zangendeutsch für das angelsächsische "Desktop" vermutlich^^
You just lay your hand on it. After a few minutes it settles as a natural resting position. And let me tell you, it's sooooo much better than resting your hand on a traditional mouse. Best thing: these cheap vertical mice are not inherently worse than, say, a Logitech MX vertical. Just give it a try for 20 bucks.
Tatsächlich "die Norma":
"100 Prozent Reichweite und Wiedererkennungswert".
Auf den legt der Lebensmittel-Händler großen Wert: "Wir wollten uns von der Konkurrenz differenzieren. Es hießt ja der Aldi, der Lidl, der Penny. Wir sind die Norma", so Funke.
I'm german. if it's completely unambiguous, we simply say "dinner is at 6" or "my shift ends at 4". but when you want to make sure that there's no room for confusion we say "let's meet at 21 o'clock".
Was genau stört dich am Nominalstil in diesem Fall?
TL;Dr: Assyrian General invaded jewish cities, hot chick seduces him and makes him drunk. Then she beheaded him and thus saved her people.
Bei übergriffigen Formularen kann ich auch nur die Drama-Numbers der Bundes-Netzagentur empfehlen. Quasi example.com fürs Telefon: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Nummerierung/Rufnummern/Mittlg148_2021.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1