[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

I think you have a very optimistic view on how far crowd sourcing this is going to take us.

BTW, you think web developers aren't already using editors that use AI to generate alt text automatically? AI alt text is going to be everywhere regardless.

Also I'm not saying that's a good thing. It's just an inevitable thing.

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 3 points 13 hours ago

I get the principled reason to do this. But most people aren't set up to pirate. And even if they were, it's inconvenient to have games not attached to their steam library. I don't think anyone should deprive themselves of this masterpiece.

If the prospect of pirating is holding you back, just buy it. The game is too good to miss out

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 days ago

Wait, was the any doubt about a conservative majority even before this result?

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 14 points 3 days ago

From the post:

Whether it’s a local or a cloud-based model, if you want to use AI, we think you should have the freedom to use (or not use) the tools that best suit your needs

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 3 points 5 days ago

Maybe try travel? Bring your laptop / deck / switch so you can game on the road. But do it from some place new. If you can work from home, maybe try moving around on short term rentals. Doesn't need to be anything exotic, could be the next town over.

Anything to break up your routine a bit. Don't look at it as a means to an end. Try and enjoy the journey itself

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 days ago

Woah.. So do they also use the name moose? Or did I watch a translated version of the Holy Grail?

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 20 points 6 days ago

Open source alternative to Adobe Lightroom

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 77 points 3 weeks ago

How can costs only be $600 / month. Do they not pay themselves? I guess that's admirable, but it doesn't set a good precedent. Will any young developers read this and internalize that they shouldn't ask for money? OSS maintainers deserve to get paid for their efforts.

submitted 1 month ago by ahal@lemmy.ca to c/ontario@lemmy.ca
[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 57 points 2 months ago

The show is not high art. No one will be winning an Emmy for acting. It certainly doesn't warrant the high rating on RT. But it's entertaining, engaging, visually stimulating and a fantastic adaptation of the games.

If you're expecting a Last of Us calibre deep dive into society and the human condition coping with an apocalypse, you'll be disappointed. If you're expecting a fun romp through the wastelands with body parts gratuitously exploding into red mist, then look no farther!

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 63 points 4 months ago

Here's my headline: Why obsessing over battery degradation is unhealthy and you should just do whatever is easiest for you

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 88 points 8 months ago

You can't give UBI to a subset of people. Then it's not universal anymore.

But if you did give artists a basic income, how much art would they need to produce to qualify? What qualifies as art? The law doesn't do well with those kinds of questions.

Better to implement true UBI. Give it to everyone, and afford more security to folks who want to focus on art.

[-] ahal@lemmy.ca 67 points 8 months ago

Why bother even trying when you can be sure you'll be bullied by whatever monopolies dominate your industry while our politicians stand idly by.

Our governments are only interested in keeping the established companies healthy and strong. It's mind bogglingly short sighted.

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