[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 8 points 2 days ago

They're the leading cause of death in children.

Uh...WHAT? Ain't no fucking way. *checks statistics*

...😳 what the actual fuck. Y'all doin alright down there?

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 days ago

What part are you having trouble with?

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 4 points 6 days ago

B-boner? Tf kinda noise is your boner making?

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 month ago

I love me some bullet trains, but there is a certain distance that makes planes way more viable.

There should be a lot more (and higher quality) high speed rail between cities of moderate distance, however.

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 33 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

You need context from the show to get this meme. This episode is a satire on how women who molest minors are treated differently and how some people are inclined to congratulate the molested instead of seeing them as victims.

It's not nice, and we need to view the attitude of situations like this being "nice" as messed up. Hence the meme.

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 17 points 1 month ago

Uh, no. Almost everything you can do for logical security only requires free software. Something as easy as ticking the box "encrypt my drive" and putting in a good password when installing Ubuntu or whatever is about as easy as it gets and is LUKS2 ("actual security", as far as at-rest data encryption is concerned).

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 29 points 2 months ago

There are...other countries? WHAT!? 🫨

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 31 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

In a few months though I can handle a change or gap in insurance though so I've got a light at the end of the tunnel at least

This is just so fucked. In no way do I mean on your end, but just that the system begets inhumane situations like this.

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 19 points 2 months ago

Never thought a single non-canadian would have even heard of Corner Gas lol

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 16 points 3 months ago

"I am not aware of these comments or their context, but if said—yes, I agree they are racist." Not hard.

[-] akakunai@lemmy.ca 15 points 4 months ago

No. But, if they were to I reckon if I'd have the dentist look at them and decide what to do then...rather than rip 'em all out preemptively.

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