You mean Like in Tallin, Estonia?
Or with the 9€ Ticket in Germany?
The Countries with a high Share of Public Transport in the Modal Split like Switzerland have one Thing in Common, an extremely dense, Frequent and reliable public Transport System. The price isn't Just that important,
Just because someone has a different opinion than you, doesn't make it "Propagandist".
(I travel exclusively by Public Transport and I would love to have the Same quality as in Switzerland, but here everyone wants stupid cOmPeTiTiOn and lOw pRiCe Bro, and the quality in Germany is horrible. Montpellier is also not great, I've visited many Times for Holidays, and during the day it's okay, but the Tram Service terminates way to early in the evening. The prices were also already very cheap before it went "free")
Yes that's explicitly what they meant. Most new passengers were people who were Walking or cycling before, but not a Lot of people who were driving before
That you should Invest the funds used for free Public Transport in improving the Network and it's quality.
Don't get me wrong, you should still offer cheap/free Tickets to People who need them, but nothing wrong to collect additional funds to finance the system