
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 16 minutes ago

! had its worst day ever yesterday as far as downvotes go. I normally get the random 1 or 2, in rare cases it can creep near 10, but we almost got 80 yesterday!

I went to do my morning posts and saw a regular commenter shared some AI art they had enjoyed, and while nobody said anything, they were really smacking the downvotes. I tried to diffuse the situation a bit, especially since it's a regular commenter whom I enjoy, and I don't want the community to drive off one of the few actual participants we have.

While everyone already had the sticks up their butts, I decided to share the one cartoon post I had in my queue, which we also eventually learned was AI generated, so the same group brigaded me pretty much. Joke's on them though, because it got appeal to All since it was a comic, so it's probably my top post for the year.

Posted some more normal things today and everyone seems to have moved on. I debated if I was going to post anything today after what I considered kinda crappy behavior from the group, but I took the high road. But if bad reactions make me hesitate to post, they certainly aren't helping anyone on the fence.

There has been a good smattering of posts from people other than me lately, so I hope it continues, but people need to be more chill.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

I know! I never knew it was also potential tear gas...

Thankfully I didn't see anything about it causing permanent damage, so hopefully Stinky will get back to nature soon!

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago

"Every side is my good side!"


Screencaps from video by Leo Buckley

Beautiful Barred owl in the early morning just looking for some breakfast. Couldn't of asked for a better back drop with some of the leaves changing colors already


From Wild Heart Ranch

Meet stinky! By the way, I've been sprayed in the eyes by a skunk. Yes it feels like he looks. Poor guy. -Annette

I thought of skunk spray as extremely smelly of course, but now I've learned it is a pretty harsh eye irritant as well.

This poor owl, though unable to smell a skunk, still lost out by taking a direct hit to the eyeballs, leaving it unable to fly. Thankfully it was found and brought in for treatment.

The Great Horned Owl is one of the few predators of skunks, due to them having no sense of smell.

Another thing I learned is that skunk spray can, in rare cases, be deadly to dogs. Toxic Skunk Syndrome can occur when a dog ingests skunk spray by being shot in the mouth. The chemicals damage red blood cells and cause a deadly form of anemia.


Photo by Abhay Kewat

Collared Owlet in India

This is Asia's smallest owl at around 6.25 in /16 cm.

I've seen comments that it calls in all directions, making it a difficult owl to locate by sounds. Here is a video of it hooting all around. It's a pretty cute sound.

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

The bulk of the article I found frustrating, as I felt it focused on vagueries in what masculinity is. The last paragraph finally gave something useful to grab onto:

“If you look at the problems young men are facing: Lack of economic opportunity is one of them, lack of growth and wages is one of them. But you also have isolation and loneliness and suicidal ideation and these deaths of despair that are happening and plaguing particularly the white men community. And I can’t imagine another group of people in this country having [problems] like that where it wouldn’t be talked about all the time.”

After really thinking critically about these points, I was able to see things with being frustrated about. Here in Pennsylvania, there are quite a number of places where I can see how focusing on these issues could bring major improvement.

The bonus is I feel these things are part of the Democratic platform, it's just the current messaging doesn't speak well to the type of voters who are suffering from these issues.

They're largely economic and healthcare issues, things that have been hammered by Republicans for the last few decades. Messages about climate change jobs (renewables, etc) and expanded healthcare or Medicare for All feel largely targeted to those already on board the Democratic platform.

Change it to focusing on how the Republicans have left them empty handed to give everything to the wealthy, how business and billionaire taxation is going to give it back to them, how free or subsidized schooling will get them in demand jobs, and how we will get doctors to come to rural areas again. It's already there, just the messaging isn't targeted to people turned off the current political scene.

I do feel like some of this has been tried in the past, so some of you may feel this didn't work before, but we've also had a bit of Overton shift since then as well, climate has become more front and center, education wasn't seen so broadly as a controversial thing, and whether the goals of the messaging were actually accomplished or not (they obviously were not), the overall situation was still better in reality.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Which owls are you thinking of? The ones off the top of my head (Pooh, Sword in the Stone) are males.

After doing all the research for on here, they probably should have more females, as they are the larger ones and guard the nest, and the males only special job is essentially grocery shopping. 😉

[–] 10 points 1 day ago

Lol she might possibly be an upgrade!

[–] 16 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Good heavens, I'd hate to see which co-worker I'd get paired with! That's some type of Russian Roulette! 🤣🤢

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

This is why I physically attempted it, but another poster pointed out this is actually an AI art artifact.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

Curse you, SkyNet!

That explains the ambiguous humanoid and the similar variations though.

I still enjoy the overall vibe though, just wish there was an actual owl cartoonist in this style.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I took a look at it again because reading your comment, and came to the same solution that it just be a skirt and this was a generic human shaped character of non-specific gender.

Also agree on the shoe shape of the foot on the ground.

I did attempt to sit the way in the cartoon with my right leg on top and found it impossible. 😆

[–] 56 points 1 day ago (5 children)

We had a new group in from another regional site come for training.

It turned out the one was actively also a prostitute. She was freely distributing her social media, showing people videos of herself, and asking us where the secluded parts of the campus were so she could do her thing with some of the scientists.

She didn't do very much actual work, or at least not what she was supposed to be doing there. I give her credit for seeming to be very proud of her side gig. She seemed to really enjoy it. I think she just eventually stopped coming in after they went back to their own site, so maybe she did find herself a scientist.

Definitely the wildest person I've ever worked with.


From Steve Kirby

I do believe there are angels among us. For some God puts wings on them, for others he lets their light shine through their spirit and soul.

Saw Whet Owl

Disclaimer: I thought the sentiment of the quote was nice, even though I am not a religious person myself. I hope that isn't an issue to anyone. I know some don't like it, but you can still enjoy the photo itself.


Photo by Ryan Burg

Barred owl with a little splash of color


Shared by Middle TN Raptor Center

It looks like this has made the rounds over various social platforms, but I hadn't seen it before. I want she to find the original source. There seem to be a few similar ones out there as well.

I enjoyed the art style and coloration, the message is important, and the owl itself is very cute. I hope you all have something you can be happy about today!


Photo by Mehmet Derya

White Faced Scops with some long rictal bristles!


An orphaned barred owlet is pictured earlier this year after being found at the side of the road by Windy Lake.

From Timmins Today:

SUDBURY (Ontario, Canada) - A young barred owl rescued from the side of the road in late May has been returned to the Windy Lake area to live out his days in the wild.

“It’s a beautiful location with lots of tall pines and cover,” Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre founder Gloria Morissette told “It’s a beautiful spot, and not a lot of traffic or people around.”

The young owl took a long road to get to this stage, with a community steward, volunteers from the Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre, Canadian Wings of Rescue and The Owl Foundation contributing to his success.

The owl’s rescue story began in late May, when a community steward found the baby owlet on the side of the road by Windy Lake, alone and dehydrated. It’s assumed that he was pushed out of his nest too early.

“The black flies were just horrendous, and his eyelids were totally swollen from black fly bites,” Morissette said. “He was in pretty dire straits when the gentleman picked him up.”

The owl’s rescuer reached out to the Val Caron-based Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre, who took the young owl in, fed and hydrated him.

Canadian Wings of Rescue volunteer pilot Greg Campbell flew the owl to The Owl Foundation in southern Ontario, where he was rehabilitated over the course of the summer.

“He was raised with other barred owls, which is amazing, so he didn’t have too many people interactions, which is important,” Morissette said, adding that a lack of imprint upon humans is integral to his success in the wild.

Now that the owl is old enough to hunt on his own, Canadian WIngs of Rescue volunteer pilot Maciej Dragan flew him back up to Sudbury last week. Volunteers from Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre returned the owl to the Windy Lake area to live out his days in the wild.

From the person who rescued the owl from the side of the road, those at Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre, Canadian Wings of Rescue and The Owl Foundation, Morissette said there are lots of people to thank for the owl’s successful rehabilitation into the wild.

“That’s what keeps us going, is these positive outcomes,” Morissette said. “Our mandate is to get them back in the wild with a second chance.”

Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre is a completely volunteer-run organization based in Val Caron who rely on public support for funding. Canadian Wings of Rescue is similarly 100-per-cent volunteer-run, and The Owl Foundation is a registered charity which relies on volunteers.


Finalist from 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

Sarthak Ranganadhan with "Smooching owlets"

Parents get affectionate, offspring closes its eyes.


Photo by Kevin Thurk

Finding this little one may be hazardous to one's health!


Photo by Dale Bales

I would hate to guess the number of miles I have traveled looking for owls. I love them. But who knew all I had to do was stay home and they would come to me. Taken this morning just off our deck go figure lol.


Photo by Paul Bannick

After Forest Fires, Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)

Many owls benefit from periodic fire as long as snags (standing dead trees) are retained. These serve as nest sights, hunting perches and ladders to help young flightless owls climb to safety after leaving their nests. Please keep this in mind when managing post-fire forests.

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