[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 21 points 5 days ago

Or just oligarch or power addict. In the eyes of most people, wealth is about luxury, material goods and fancy toys. Of course that's part of it, but at a certain point, wealth is no longer about luxury and toys, it's about power and having control over resources everyone else depends on.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

they only moved back because refunds started happening,

Kind of, but refunds only started happening because steam allowed it. And steam only allowed it because there was enough of a shitstom.

Negative reviews by themselves don't do much, you are right about that, but they do kinda show a community's mood (especially to other gamers in the community).

they had made their money already

Helldivers is a game that has a lot more monetizing potential than just the initial sales.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

If all people would immediately reward them with a positive review after backpedaling, then their learned lesson would be “just try it out, worst case we can backpedal”. By leaving up a negative review, they might realize that they should not even try it if they want to keep the goodwill.

They are always going to have this mindset, companies will never "learn it", they will always try to push anti-consumer bullshit onto consumers if they think it benefits them and if they think they can get away with it.

They don't care about goodwill, they care about numbers. It's a business.

I will leave my negative review standing, although I also have other points of criticism.

And that's perfectly fine, people can leave whatever review they want to leave. But I think for the people who specifically changed their review or left a negative review specifically to protest this specific issue, it makes sense that they change it back to an actual review of the game to signal that their actions have an impact.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 53 points 1 month ago

It's not about trust, of course they don't deserve trust. It's about showing them that players have influence when it comes to their bottom line and that they can't just get away with anything they want to do without it hurting their main objective.

In other words, be nice to the community and they are going to be nice to you. Be shitty to the community and they are going to be so shitty towards you that it hurts your profits. That's the only motivation that makes them go back on something that they want to do.

If they think that people are going to behave negatively towards them and review bomb their games regardless of how they act, they will just keep acting however they want.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 14 points 9 months ago

Just remember, this isn't Biden having a change of mind necessarily, this is more about Biden answering to pressure. The reason why Biden behaves like this is mostly because the UAW has witheld their endorsment for him, saying that "Biden has to pick a side, either the working class, or the billionaires", that "he has to earn his endorsment" and that "they expect actions, not just words".

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

I guess he's trying to redeem himself

I mean that's one way to put it, but at the end of the day, he isn't some manga anti-hero, he is a politician and politicians want to be elected.

I am pretty sure this is about the UAW's change of attitude that puts immense pressure on Biden, especially that they are withholding their endorsment for Biden until he "earned it". And of course Trump is also trying to suck up to the unions, so Biden has to step up his game.


[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 13 points 9 months ago

This is less about Biden coming to his senses, at the end of the day, Biden does what is politically viable and smart for him. Sure, maybe he has become more progressive, but I think this has more to do with the UAW new militant approach.

And one important thing, which puts a lot of pressure on Biden, is that the UAW has recently always endorsed the democrats, but they now have withheld endorsment for Biden until "he has earned it" and "prooves his solidarity with the working class, not the billionaire class".

And Trump is also trying to pander to the union, so Biden is in a lot of pressure to gain the union's endorsment.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Temporararily is the keywprd here..

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

That's why you get a big warning message informing you that DM's are not encrypted and thus not secure.

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

What exactly is the reason? That Nazis are not allowed? You seriously think not allowing Nazis on the platform will kill it?

[-] aski3252@lemmy.world 39 points 1 year ago

Why would we want to do that instead of just dealing with them one by one when needed or just individually blocking communities/users?

Who would be "dealing with them one by one"? People seem to keep forgetting that lemmy, both the code and the infraatructure, is developed and maintained by hobbyists, not by a company.

I'm extremely uncomfortable with an authority deciding for me what I may see in my feed and what not.

You should really think about this, in my opinion, entiteled attitude.. You are not the one paying for the server, you are not the one running the server you are certainly not the one who will have to deal with potential legal actions if illegal shit is going on on your instance..

You are not entiteled to any of this.. You don't have to pay in any way for any of it and lemmy admins don't earn any money from you..

Imagine not only getting into trouble for a hobby, but have random people complain about "authority" because you don't want to/can't deal with potentially illegal shit on your server..

If you are so concerned about "authority" and about "what you see on your feed", start your own server and federate with whoever you want, or start a server that is collectively owned and controlled by it's users or something like that.. You can very very easily do that..

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