[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 8 points 9 hours ago

Biden isn't going to say "yeah I'm thinking of dropping out", nor will his campaign, even if they're strongly considering it. It he does decide to step aside, it will be a sudden announcement with no forewarning.

I agree with your premise though. It isn't impossible. We just need to collect data and do polling for like a week to understand how much the debate hurt Biden, and if there's any good alternative options who have a better shot.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 2 points 9 hours ago

I think debates and townhalls are Biden's best bet right now. He needs to show that it was just a bad night for him.

And if it wasn't just a bad night, it'll spur action to find a viable replacement.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It happens! The important part is review and learning from the mistakes.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago

Oh definitely. I just think their primary influence was on the size of the margin, not the actual outcome of the election. And it still benefits them, since they can say it was a 17% margin instead of like 3-5%.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

It's a 17% difference now. I'm honestly skeptical that AIPAC money is the big cause here. It seems like he had a lot of other issues that contributed to his loss. I was reading earlier that he didn't really communicate or interface with his constituents much, while Latimer was a much bigger community presence.

This is a trend I've noticed actually. A lot of people who do take morally correct positions like to let their positions speak for themselves and not do as much communication or outside engagement. They want to let their moral high ground do the talking. And while their positions are laudable, their core job is to represent their constituents. If they ignore that, a loss isn't surprising.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

We all make mistakes. I once forgot to include gravity in a pressure drop calculation for a 100 ft vertical pipe as part of a steam drum system. I had to send an awkward email revising the design pressure I previously communicated out.

But hey, if we were perfect, we wouldn't need peer review.

I have a little bit of experience with limit switches, but that's really interesting. It certainly seems like an unusual system. I'm a lot more familiar with safety relays.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

I've unfortunately been working on process control strategies for almost a year now on new and novel applications for my company, so I've been intimately familiar with this. If it isn't obvious, this isn't my favorite professional area of interest hahaha.

Designating fail open and fail closed valves is so intrinsic to what I've been doing that I can't imagine someone designing a car control system and not thinking about that at all.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

It's basic safety for industrial plants to designate powered equipment as "fail open" or "fail closed" or on/off. It's shocking that this wasn't applied to Tesla cars.

We really need an industry that performs industrial grade HAZOPs on consumer products and publishes a report for everyone to see.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 36 points 4 days ago

Might be the doors are fail shut if anything happens... But that seems like the worst design ever.

Come to think of it, it's basic design to designate features as fail closed/fail open on loss of power in an emergency, and you go with what's inherently safe. It appears Tesla did not consider basic safety design. To no one's surprise.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 18 points 4 days ago

This seems like an excellent way for the governing party to lose big time in elections.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

Putin has a history of false flag operations, so it isn't impossible.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 89 points 6 days ago

Sorry, what the fuck. This is a complete failure on engineering controls and safety. A safety analysis on an industrial plant would find something like this to be a major safety vulnerability that needs several redundant safeguards.

Jesus fucking Christ.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

First off, terrible headline. The "ruled by men" is totally unnecessary and biased.

Second, there are certainly much worse events going on in the world right now. This is hardly the most important.

It's an interesting article though about how some women feel in China about government policies and how they're meeting to discuss feminism and women empowerment. It's disappointing to see that the Chinese government has adopted a similar stance to US Republicans.


Not much info at time of posting what prompted the man to do so


This article is absolutely infuriating. I'd like to say I'm surprised to see people with such vitriol, but this isn't a surprise.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Edit: It looks like the argument here is that the US is not calling for an instant ceasefire, but instead saying that one is very important to have. China and Russia say it should be immediate. The US also tied it to hostage talks.

Another resolution is in the works to call for an immediate ceasefire, but the US is expected to veto it because they believe it could endanger hostage talks.


This is an excellent article. It follows an Israeli peace activist and a Palestinian peace activist who work together with a group that believes communication between Israelis and Palestinians is paramount to having a peaceful resolution.

What it does really well is highlight how the two of them talk past each other and don't realize it -- one of them makes an innocuous comment, and the other thinks it's something bad but doesn't speak up necessarily.

The article also provides really good perspective on how misinformation and fog of war are affecting the conflict. It highlights situations where Israelis are lied to and shown selective news, and where Palestinians are lied to and shown selective news.


The article has a fantastic line about how Johnson's views are so out of step, even the majority of the conservative justices on the supreme court don't champion them. He agrees with Thomas, and Thomas is exceptionally unique in just how insanely conservative he is.

As a fun bonus, the article also has quotes of him praising Trump, if you ever wanted to see the moral bankruptcy of evangelicals laid completely bare to see.


He still refuses to budge, even after Republicans were eviscerated on election day for abortion. They're going to keep getting hit for it until they can rein in true believers like Tuberville.


This is a fantastic opinion piece by Sanders that lays it out the situation before the Hamas attack, the current situation, and what should be done. He lays out several requirements for peace that aid to Israel should be contingent on. He also notes that Hamas is hurting the Palestinians, which is a detail very few mention.

He's also one of the first people I've seen try to take a stab at what a lasting solution needs to be -- two states, Netanyahu ousted, Hamas destroyed, foundations of Palestinian civil government created.


The article provided a good overview of the situation and firsthand accounts, plus marked up maps. The maps make it clear just how ridiculous their claims are. It's like a modern "manifest destiny" philosophy.


Democrats won 56-44 in a NH district which Trump barely won in 2020. Encouraging news!

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