[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 19 points 22 hours ago

Since the only other likely alternative is a fascist, insurrectionist, felon, rapist who couldn't finish a thought or sentence we've got ourselves a tough spot, but a clear better choice of the two: vote for Biden.

Having our government by a gerontocracy is not going well.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

No, the goal is to sleep in silence. When I'm able to put aside my worries and truly rest I don't need any noise or background hum to be completely out.

I only use a short video (under my pillow at mom volume so I can barely hear it) to get to sleep and then I'm usually out for a long time.

I've always felt that much of getting to sleep and what makes it easy to rest is training to some extent. Changing the ambient noise (especially if you move homes) can really screw things up until you get used to the normal noises of the new location. While that happens I'll use something to fuzz the ambient sounds, but I'll actively remove the white nose or background video over time so I acclimate to the new normal.

I consider it a worthwhile goal to be able to sleep without aids, if possible. Most of the real trouble is in my head (or a neighbor with fucking loud music at 2am to be dealt with), so when I have control I seek silence and a mental even keel when possible.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

As a kid? Nothing. Just silence.

Today? My tinnitus, quietly humming away.

Now,.if I'm in a very weird mental spot and just can't spin down to rest, I put on The Might Jingles' World of Warships gameplay videos. His English voice just puts me out in moments.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 17 points 2 days ago

The EU keeps doing amazing and tough things for humanity. I'm always astounded at how much they're achieving and I wish my government had even a fraction of the EU's current operational capability.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 days ago

It's a tunnel with electric trains. I volunteer my pasty white ass's house as tribute for this. My city has near zero rail service and I'll take it in a heartbeat.

Yes, the US has been using infrastructure to harm minority communities for generations, but so far this doesn't seem to be the most egregious example of that. The exhaust system being next to a school is the only concern, but only if there's a fire in the tunnel (which should be rare unless Boeing starts making trains).

Either move the exhaust or move the school while you start digging that new higher speed tunnel! Let's go for some real modern transit!

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 9 points 3 days ago

Except the Duchy won the war against the US and brought back a hydrogen bomb. They then used that threat to make the league of micro nations. The bomb didn't work, but the threat of it allowed a tiny nation to gain leverage on the geopolitical stage.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago

I'm not hugely invested in the 3D printing world, but here's my setup:

Printer: Creality Ender 3 pro v2 Filament: Mostly Matchbox Upgrades: just stiffer springs for the bed holder to help keep it level longer

Software: Cura for slicing FreeCAD for part design My kids also use Blender for making designs

As long as you check the bed leveling every so often (I don't have an auto leveler) it does just fine. I make all kinds of technical parts and models along with other stuff for fun.

What can I say? It works and it's a reasonably low maintenance setup.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 661 points 3 months ago

The important piece of this to me is this: She made $1 mil on OnlyFans and $42k/year as a teacher. She wants to be a teacher despite making plenty of money from other sources. This tells me that unless you have other evidence of impropriety she's someone we want in the classroom. It also reinforces my stance, along with plenty of other studies that have been performed, that a universal basic income won't stop people from working.

Pay people better and we'll just keep working because we like it. It's part of being human, but we shouldn't be suffering to survive at the same time.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 128 points 3 months ago

Elections have consequences. This is just the latest step in the FAFO process for Idaho.

First, it was the clinics in the North Idaho, and now the rot is moving southward. More and more women and children will be affected by this attitude of anti humanism that focuses on declaring women property of the state.

Women in Idaho should be looking to move somewhere that doesn't consider them owned by the legislature. Good luck to you if you're stuck in Idaho. The scenery is beautiful, but the rights are contracting.

submitted 4 months ago by azimir@lemmy.ml to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

The measure to make vehicles weighing 1.6 tons and over pay 3x the parking rates for the first two hours has passed in Paris.

Now, let's get that in place for London and many other other places to help slow, and even reverse, this trend towards massive personal vehicles.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 138 points 5 months ago

Georgia apparently would rather put 10 year olds into debt than feed children. It's the best they can do as Christians.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 138 points 5 months ago

I love the ticket systems in places like Berlin, Helsinki, Heidelberg, and Tampere. They don't use turnstiles at all, just occasional onboard ticket checkers.

It's so much faster for large groups of people to move through the stations so it keeps people moving instead of piling up at a ticket machine, even ones as fast as those in London.

You don't need officers standing guard at turnstiles, just extra onboard sweeps to keep most people honest.

Even better is a whole free system like some cities are going to. LA is having a freeway widening project happening. If the money for that went to their public transit system, they could make it fare free for 20 years at the same price point as "just one more lane, bro" of freeway that will still be a parking lot anyway.

submitted 7 months ago by azimir@lemmy.ml to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

This video outlines some of the relationships between US commuting culture and the perspectives that it's engendered about the role of the city. The, when compared and contrasted to other nations' approach to city design and perspectives shows that it's possible to have a city core that's more than just a workplace.

My city is currently clinging to a small area of interesting downtown core. Everything else has either been bulldozed for parking lots, turned into office buildings with no store fronts, or plowed into wider roads. Every time I show the maps of the city with how car-focused we've made downtown to a city council member they recoil at the desolation, but it's so hard to get change happening.

We need fewer roads, cars, and non-human spaces in our city core areas. Making wider walking paths, biking roads, mass transit (not just busses!), and planting trees to make spaces more attractive will all continue to invite people to come downtown, not just someone desperate enough to drive there, park, hit one store and drive away.

[-] azimir@lemmy.ml 118 points 7 months ago

... because my purchasing power is much lower than two years ago and my wages aren't remotely keeping up with profiteering inflation? Because I have to be very careful around Christmas to not overspend and I get to explain to the kids why there's only a few presents under the tree? They'll be okay with it, but as a person who has children to take care of it, it's crushing to go backwards year to year in what you're able to provide? Because a 3/4 full shopping cart today (not much meat) was $179 today? And we have a fixed rate mortgage! I can't envision the pressures people who are renting or trying to buy a home right now are going through. Anyone saying "it's all good out there!" can get fucked.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by azimir@lemmy.ml to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

The mayor of Hoboken, NJ came in with a vision of reducing traffic deaths to pedestrians and cyclists. He instituted several strategies of traffic calming, increasing pedestrian visibility, reducing city wide street speeds to 20 mph with schools and parks down to 15 mph. Within a few years of road improvements and redesigns their pedestrian traffic deaths to zero for several years.

The article does note that half of the streets have bike lanes, they've put buffers between pedestrians and cars, and continue to redesign intersections with a focus on safety instead of just focusing on car speed/throughput.

submitted 11 months ago by azimir@lemmy.ml to c/chatgpt@lemmy.ml

What I'm looking for is some kind of desktop tool that uses the OpenAI GPT web endpoint. I'd like something where I'm able to upload one or more documents (text files) and then include them as part of the conversation/query.

I have access to the GPT-4 API and I've been writing Python3 code against it for some various applications. I can see how I'd write a tool that takes in one or more documents to include in the total prompt history, but I'm hoping to not have to write it myself, mostly due to time constraints.

Is there some kind of application that has a similar feature set to this that I should look at? Or, is there a wiki/site that lists off the current tools available that I could look over?

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