
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I don't like this rigged system with only 2 options. I will refuse this system by either abstaining, or voting 3rd party.

If you do that, you get the clown. You don't have any real option at this current moment because the decision is now and there are only 2 options. If you refuse to choose, you get the clown.

I feel like, if we get the clown, it will teach the system a lesson or something. Perhaps then something will change and choices will be more palatable in the future.

If you choose the clown, there's a very high likelihood that there won't be a future for any of us.

I'm going with the clown.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I'm sorry, but you don't understand how any of this works.

The terrorist Hamas organization is embedded in Gaza as the ruling authority. The only way to pry them out is to have fighting where they hide, which is in civilian buildings in Gaza. Hamas does that on purpose, so that the only way to fight them is to bomb Gaza buildings like hospitals. Hamas is trying to get as many of their own people in Gaza killed as possible, so people like you watch their tiktok propaganda and repeat their talking points. There were 4 million people in Gaza at the start of the conflict, and by Hamas' own numbers, there have been about 1% total deaths including Hamas' own warriors. In the US, we lost nearly that many people to Trump's mismanagement of Covid-19.

Iran is bombing Israel with ballistic missiles. They did not issue warnings to civilians like Israel does, or use bombs of limited power like Israel does, or answer to the Western alliance like Israel does.

I know this doesn't match your propaganda worldview, but the US is trying to reduce damage and prevent war in the region. What you call a "genocide" against Hamas-controlled territory is the tip of the iceberg of the damage to civilians that could spread if we let Iran and Israel go at each other with full-scale war, while Hamas continues to attempt to exterminate every Israeli on the planet.

The reason my elected officials like Biden don't listen to your strategy, is that your strategy is paper thin and has no merit. They are busy trying to solve complex multi-actor problems with very serious repercussions, not consuming Hamas propaganda on tiktok.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Misinforming while talking about misinformation. Par for course around these parts.

No casualties from 180 Iran rockets for mainly 2 reason:

  1. Israel is used to the bellicose nature of all their murderous neighbors, so they have a strong culture of bomb shelters. 10 million Israel civilians were on bomb shelter alert that day.

  2. Israel had help from allies to defend from Iran's rockets.

The US is on record as having shot down rockets that Israel couldn't deal with. This is why we have our warships nearby, to protect civilians. And also why we are sending more anti-missile tech.

And it is said that Jordan used their tech to shoot down some Iranian rockets to help protect Israel's civilians when they saw the trajectory of the rockets. This wouldn't be a first for Jordan, they had to get involved in April against another Iranian attack

Also, perhaps I missed it, but I did not catch in your comment any relief that Israel civilians were spared horrors thanks to the quick actions of anti-missile efforts. Somebody might mistake your rhetoric for that of the Hamas-indoctrinated fucktards around these parts that speak in Hamas talking points and celebrate terrorism and genocide when the target is Israel.

[–] 12 points 3 days ago (11 children)

The US will send an advanced anti-missile system — and US troops to operate it — to Israel “to help bolster Israel’s air defenses following Iran’s unprecedented attacks against Israel on April 13 and again on October 1,” the Pentagon said Sunday.

Literally range defensive tools to save civilian lives. We are deploying anti-missile tech to prevent deaths from rockets, and we need to deploy the personnel trained to manage those advanced tools because they are needed now, not 6 months from now when locals can be trained to operate them.

Approximately 100 US troops are deploying to Israel to operate the THAAD battery, according to a US defense official. It is rare for US troops to deploy inside Israel, but this is a typical number of troops to operate the anti-missile defense system.

So which one is it? We want Biden to protect civilians in the region... or maybe not when the civilians being protected are people from Israel. Once again, the Hamas-indoctrinated tiktokers showing their colors.

Also, in case it's getting lost in the fog of BS in this sub: Iran is literally shooting rockets at Israel cities right now. Real war-class rockets that Israel can't stop reliably because their tech is not advanced enough for ballistics of this nature. Where are all the "Biden should protect the civilians" people now?

[–] 12 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Trump is a miserable moron with terrible ideas. The only reason he wins is because of his negative campaigning. If he didn't do any negative campaigning, he would have no following whatsoever.

While we are busy demanding to know in detail exactly how Harris plans to solve every issue of this country, Trump is out there flat-out making up statistics and boogeymen, inventing conspiracy theories about birth certificates and sexual climbing in politics, and using hate and racism dog-whistles to rally the worst of us.

I hope those of you that hold Harris to the highest standards will remember what you did when we are living in the Trump sewer you helped elect.

[–] 28 points 3 days ago (4 children)

82-page policy plan from Harris, for the naysayers that somehow continue to pretend that the best candidate available to us this election supposedly has no positions

[–] 61 points 3 days ago (85 children)

The comment section for this type of posts is always such a shit show.

This is essentially saying 2 things:

1 - It's insane that some here seem to think that to remain "independent" of politics you can abstain or vote third party to show your discontent for how slowly the Dems deal with Natenyahu's BS. Your abstain or 3rd party vote does nothing to "move the Dems to the left" when in reality you are removing them from power to give it to Trump, who has already promised to triple down on helping Netanyahu achieve whatever he wants.

The election is happening right now. There's no time and space to negotiate new candidates or parties. It's either the disappointing Dems, or the christo-fascist GOP. The time for standing on principle was 3 years ago, or next year at the start of the new cycle. Today is about pragmatism - how close we can get to the desired outcome, and which of these parties is more interested in listening to your position moving forward. It should be abundantly clear that Harris is by a huge margin the better choice for your desired outcomes.

2 - The Israel operation in Gaza, that we all want to stop, is not something that can be just ended with the click of a button. A bunch of actors in that region are hell bent on killing each other, like when Hamas did genocide on Israel last year, and now we have multiple state actors moving armies against each other. The brain-dead premise that somehow Democrats "want genocide" makes it impossible to have a serious conversation.

If you don't vote for Harris over a mess in the Middle East that we didn't directly create and are not directly responsible for, and that the Biden administration is trying to solve even if it's too slow for your taste; and instead you act in favor of helping Trump who will absolutely empower Netanyahu to do whatever he wants, then not only are you directly voting against your own interests, but you are engaging in a level of dumb-fuckery of supreme proportions. And fucking all of us over hard while at it.

In short: By opposing Harris right at the finish line of the election cycle, you are going to inflict Trump's dictator regime and the runaway christo-fascist GOP on the entire planet, because you are dissatisfied with how mediocre Dems have been at trying to stop Israel. You think this makes you virtuous. It does not.

[–] 48 points 5 days ago (10 children)


90% of my comment was to explicitly say what Democrats do. And you managed to single out the 10% that wasn't about Democrats.

Why stop there? Throw in some "both sides" stuff too.

[–] 60 points 5 days ago (13 children)

There are policy details on her website:

But it's pretty simple overall. She's not a maverick, what's on offer is simply the Dem agenda with a younger change of guard. The Dems believe in running the economy from the middle class, because investing in people is how we achieve long-term economic success and improve quality of life. So all her policies are going to be the same they would have been for Obama or Biden: improve social protections, improve access to education, improve access to housing, lower costs of living, make the corporations and wealthy pay their fair shares, pull away from needless wars, strengthen international relationships and create trade agreements of mutual benefit.

She can talk policy until she's blue in the face, but we all should already know exactly what we are getting when we vote for a Democrat. The last time this country had a balanced budget it was Democrat. When we raise the minimum wage, it's a Democrat. When we try to make education more affordable or help those with student debt, it's a Democrat. When we strengthen unions and increase taxes on corporations, it's a Democrat. When we pull out of wars, when we increase social services, when we increase protections for minorities, when we secure our clean water and block chemicals and pesticides in our food and household products, when we raise fuel efficiency standards and make corporations pay for pollution, it's a Democrat.

It baffles me that we have to talk about this stuff like it's new. It's simple and it has been for years:

You want a party that runs the economy like adults, and works for the middle class and the well-being of the people: Democrats.

You want a party that works for the rich and corporations, blows up the budgets recklessly, and thinks the low and middle classes are a resource to be used and drained: Republicans.

While we are on this spicy topic today, someone please remind me, what did Jill Stein do?

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago

It’s rare for a professor to disparage the intelligence of a student, but according to attorney Frank DiPrima, who was close friends with professor William T. Kelley for 47 years, the prof made an exception for Donald Trump, at least in private. “He must have told me that 100 times over the course of 30 years,” says DiPrima, who has been practicing law since 1963 and has served as in-house counsel for entities including the Federal Trade Commission and Playboy Enterprises. “I remember the inflection of his voice when he said it: ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!’” He would say that [Trump] came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything, that he was arrogant and he wasn’t there to learn.”

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