[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago

with an even more evil “Nancy” in his ear “guiding” him everyday (and to essential be running the country while keeping Trump’s decline on the DL).

That sound you just heard was Stephen Miller getting a boner thinking about putting all non-whites into camps.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Poe's Law is real, lol.

The worst part is I sat there reading your comment for fifteen minutes thinking, "He can't be that stupid, can he?" And then I remembered that Trump supporters exist.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 3 points 6 hours ago

Panem et circenses, baby!

As long as people are kept fed and entertained, they will tolerate a lot of bullshit.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 0 points 6 hours ago

No it doesn't. Here, let me demonstrate:

I'm accusing you of showing up to my house and kissing my dog (the gay one, not the straight one.)

There. Is that the truth? According to you it must be, because

Accusation = truth

So because it's true, I demand you restore my dog's honor by gay marrying him.

And that's literally how it works in the US. You can make any allegation you want when filing a civil suit and a judge must decide the validity of your claims. Teixiera has given his side of the story when he filed suit; that's all we can say for certain at this point. He could be 100% right, he could be bending the truth a little bit, or he could be completely lying about the whole thing- we don't currently have any more information than that.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 9 points 9 hours ago

Yes, yes I did. That doesn't change anything I said. You've only repeated his claims (which his complaint can say literally anything), we don't have Mozilla's side, and he shouldn't be saying a word about this suit to the press.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 6 points 16 hours ago

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember hearing once that even if this were to happen, Congress can't hold him longer than the end of this Congressional term.

More political grandstanding from the party that is bereft of any ideals beyond give the rich more money and worship Trump.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 5 points 16 hours ago

Re: 1, the concept of church/state separation is espoused by the First Amendment, if not explicitly stated as such. But as has been made clear, Roberts' SCOTUS has yet to miss a case dismantling that wall.

Re: 2, SCOTUS has held that amendments only apply to Congress unless they have been incorporated via the 14th out to the states. The First Amendment's restriction on state-endorsed religion was incorporated in a case from 1947 called Everson vs. Board of Education which means that if Congress can't create an official government religion, state legislatures can't either. Of course, what one SCOTUS decides another can overturn, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for Roberts' activist Court to remove the concept of incorporation altogether.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 23 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Any decent lawyer will tell you to shut the fuck up once you've filed a suit, so as I see it there are three possible scenarios here:

  1. He's too stupid to listen to his lawyers.
  2. His lawyers are too stupid to advise him to shut up.
  3. They're trying a public pressure campaign against Mozilla to get Mozilla to capitulate before their case goes too far. They're hoping that the headlines of "Mozilla hates cancer patients!" will cause enough bad press that Mozilla will want to get the case over with quicker by settling sooner, especially if Teixiera doesn't have a very strong case.
[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 94 points 20 hours ago

Yeah, I'm gonna wait a bit before bringing out the pitchforks.

A plaintiff in a civil suit can allege anything they want, but that doesn't mean they're being 100% truthful. Any lawyer will slant the facts as much as possible to make their client look as injured as they can to garner the most sympathy- that's just lawyering 101. We have his version of events but don't have Mozilla's, but the fact that he's publicly shit-talking the company (rather than let the legal process play out) doesn't cast him in a good light IMO.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 44 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

So if

  1. Conservatives think that abortion is murder

  2. and there are more infants dying

  3. but fewer abortions being performed

Doesn't that mean they should consider their infant mortality rate exactly the same as before?

edit: Cause, if the above is true, but their infant mortality rate is going up, we can draw a straight line between the decrease of abortions and the increase of infant deaths. Of course, Conservative feelings don't care about facts.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

"Dissolution" is the word you're looking for.


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