[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 28 points 1 month ago

"there's technically nothing in the rules that says a dog can't vote" matt


Damn this is cool

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

as much as I can while having a fulltime job and not being a student. hooked them up with a bunch of supplies (though honestly there's no shortage of most things except power to charge phones lol), and hung out/held space for like half the day yesterday. They seem to have hit critical mass to where the police/administration don't want to fuck with them right now, but I'm sure that won't last.

Also basically zero counter protesters, nothing like UCLA at all. Literally saw like 2 cranks all day doing their "debate me" schtick and yelling at people, and mostly just getting effectively handled by marshals

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 32 points 1 month ago


I'm also posting from my local campus protest. Gotta leave soon but I'm trying to help set up infrastructure and might camp here if they are taking non-students. It's got some decent organization at the top it seems like but I'm just showing up with supplies tbh I don't know anyone

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 27 points 2 months ago

presumably they don't want to state that as the goal because it's not happening no matter how much money they throw at the situation


Talking about the "bucketing" where they first sell x% of tickets at a cheap price, then the next x% at a higher price, and on and on until its expensive as shit.

This is really demoralizing as someone who'd like to be a bit more spontaneous, and be able hop on a train out of town (which is running either way and never full...), the price I get offered is like double the price if I booked 3-4+ months out.

There must be a better system.

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 45 points 2 months ago

“This might be the most quick learning-on-your-feet, nimble nation-state that I've ever seen.”

kim-jong-il kim-cool

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 27 points 2 months ago

discord is dogshit. please never organize anything there if you can avoid it, don't give them free network effect

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 53 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

literally exactly what boeing was doing too lol (though not the worst of it)

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 34 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

sent this to my lib friend and he sent back some cope about how the J20 is even worse actually ("if you believe the leaks"), the problem is inherent to stealth coatings, and actually its not that much worse of a rate than the f22 or the b1/b2. Not sure why "all our other planes are shitty too" is supposed to be better lol

I basically just said the f35 program had a 10 year lead on the j20 and that I haven't seen any such leaks. Maybe the more relevant thing is that china doesn't have a huge fleet of them (yet anyhow), and doesn't really need to, given that they aren't engaging in globe spanning armed conflicts like the US likes to. And that the f22 used to have a better availability rate but it's plummeting

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 38 points 2 months ago

wow that's bad. Fully implying that none of them hit until near the end of the article, not making any reference to the mysterious "2nd facility" that was struck or asking any questions about that, and just offering nothing but imperial propaganda completely unquestioned on every point.

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 36 points 2 months ago

my advice would be do not count on any state protecting you. Do your best to protect yourself and those around you first. Even in those states with good laws, there is no guarantee they will cover things like: actions committed in another state, actions taken as a third party (not doctor or patient) to facilitate trans care, actions facilitating DIY HRT (could probably be treated as drug trafficking), etc.

But yeah I think that first map more or less lines up with the anti-extradition/anti-subpoena type laws that are on the books.

[-] bleepbloopbop@hexbear.net 27 points 2 months ago

Yeah the wording lacks nuance, it's a meme, but the general gist is right. Whether it's specifically socialism that they're experiencing isn't the point, its that they have been told to fear the mainland, and when they go visit they find it's not so different from home after all, and actually much better in some ways. They're experiencing China, which includes shenzhen, as much as it includes beijing, or the countryside.


currently a featured project on hackaday.com...

The video especially rubbed me the wrong way

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