[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 months ago

Ohy god it took me a full minute to realize that I wasn't looking at three stylized vaginas.

To be fair, I have seen several neolithic Venus figurines lately.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 89 points 6 months ago

Even Muad'Dib started out small.


This drives me nuts when I see it done wrong, but it's actually kind of complicated because English is orthographically deranged.

Lead (/liːd/) [verb, present tense]: to guide, etc. I asked them to lead us in a rousing revolutionary anthem.

Led (/led/) [verb, past tense]: as above, but past tense. Later, we were led to a blank concrete wall.

Lead (/led/) [noun]: A soft, poisonous metal. Bullets are most often made of lead.

Just to make it confusing...

Lead (/liːd/) [noun]: kind of like "leader". Officer Johnson was our lead on this operation. (Note: it also means "leash"; e.g., I clipped the lead to Bowser's collar.)

Lede (/liːd/) [noun]: The first bit of a news story, often the first sentence. I didn't read the full article, but the lede suggested the protesters were decimated by police.

Leeds [proper noun]: A Town in England. Leeds is the worst place to stage peaceful protests.

And finally...

LED (ell ee dee) [noun, abbr.]: Abbreviation for light-emitting diode. For the love of any gods you might believe in, fucking capitalize it. Electronics hobbyists I'm looking in your direction.

More Examples

  • Wrong: I was lead into the woods by a stranger.

  • Right: I was led into the woods by a stranger.

  • Wrong: The lead in an ad about cheap bulk led lead me to lede my leed dog to Leides on her led lede.

  • Right: The lede in an ad about cheap bulk lead led me to lead my lead dog to Leeds on her LED lead.

(The last example is stupidly confusing, but it was fun to write.)

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago

You're doing the dangerous thing: identifying fascism where Americans have been taught it's clearly not possible because it's "our team."

You're right, of course.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 11 points 7 months ago

I would watch the shit out of this YouTube channel.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 8 points 8 months ago

Yeah, people who grew up with boomers as parents, teachers, bosses, weird aunts, etc. Find the ultra- reductiveness to be very silly. The labeling of the entire post war generation as incompetent neocons has never fit well except in the minds of people whose only knowledge of history comes from tiktok. Where do they think their anti- establishment ideas came from? Do they think the hippies and civil rights activists were millennials or something?

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 22 points 8 months ago

Depends on the metric. Direct threat to democracy, increasing violence and dangerr for millions of Americans, harming economic futures for Americans, etc.: probably Trump.

Sheer body count: maybe Bush, but don't forget about all the people who would still be alive or more healthy if Trump had not actively sabotaged COVID response.

Okay I'm back to Trump.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 8 points 8 months ago

We just never invested in that with our kid. We said things like, "it's fun to pretend" and "some other families believe..."

It isn't hard. I grew up believing Native Americans were Israelites and there were ancient records written on metal plated under a hill in central New York. Many families believe our don't believe certain things.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 11 points 8 months ago

Thanks for checking. I'm sad to be right about this.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 21 points 8 months ago

Incels gonna incel

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 6 points 8 months ago

Yup. And the people living in deep south Texas have, in some cases, been living there since long before the USA was a country.

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 22 points 8 months ago

One of my favorite time travel versions in SF is that of Connie Willis: When you try to travel back in time, if you would have changed the timeline by any noticeable amount, you either (a) just don't go--the machine doesn't work--or (b) you go, but the timeline adjusts by like dropping you in Siberia 20,000 BCE or the center of the Pacific or something. Either way, the timeline is what it is, and you can go observe, if you're very careful not to change anything. Your time travel is part of the timeline, and obviously it didn't change anything significant because here we are...

[-] bobbyfiend@lemmy.ml 14 points 8 months ago

OK weird thing for me: I'm in the US. If I click that link I get told to go to the US site (savethechildren.org not savethechildren.net) and the US site appears not to have that story, at least not in that form. I used their search function for the article title and found nothing.f

Maybe they just titled it differently and I should search more carefully, but it seems odd right now.

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