
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I did not read that book of Calvino (nor have I heard his name) but there exists a free game on steam called "If on a winter's night four travelers" with very positive reviews which seems to be inspired by the book.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

I only read "The Left Hand of Darkness". That novell was fire (no pun intended). Excellent world building and super captivating and immersive writing.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

In my note app I've saved my old replies I'm fairly confident of regarding research, impact and links to sources and fire them up against the standard arguments. It's cheap but it would be madness to answer the age old cliches popping up in mass under a controversional vegan post with individual new answers. The definition of Sisyphus work. I refine the posts to take deviations from standard arguments into account. I don't spam them in a thread of full of the same cliche answers but tactically under one of them with a lot of upvotes/likes. This saves me some headaches and at least I know I countered the disinformation at least once and will maybe make some people see that the most regurgitated answers are not per se the most correct just because of their prevalence.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Which would be the impossible factor(s) in your opinion?

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (3 children)

This man was able to be vegan over 1000 years ago while he was blind from the age of 6 due to smallpox and lived to the age of 83. All while he established himself as a renowned poet, writer and philosoph of the arabic world. Granted the B12 levels in soil were much higher back then. But what's bad about taking a pill a day vs destroying the livelihood of future generations?

[–] 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

FFS it's not only the methane. It's all the GHG sinks we destroy to let cattle graze and feed other animals caught in CAFO. In addition it's the whole infrastructure around the system

Half of habitable land is used for agriculture (5x the USA). 2/3 of that is grazing land. 1/3 crop land. One half of the 1/3 crop land is used for plants that are directly consumed by humans. The rest is animal feed and stuff like biofuel.

Crop land and grazing land for animals combined make up 80% of all farmland. Meat, dairy and fish combined make up only 17% of all calories and 38% of protein.

If everyone went plant based the global farmland use would be reduced from 4 billion to 1 billion hectares and therefore crop death would be dramatically reduced. The land could be rewilded and natural GHG sinks could be established again.

Everyday 5000 soccerfield sized areas of amazonas rainforest are razed to the ground for cattle, leather, soy (for animal feed ofc) and palm oil. Mafia like cartels of cattle breeders threaten and murder indigenous people and activists there and implemented a complicated system of cattle laundering to hide that they burn intact rain forests (green lung of the earth) there. The 10.000.000 anually slaughtered cows there are also exported to US meatpackers. The leather ends up in european car seats. Via container ships.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The only innovative thing CDU/CSU has done was inventing a time machine which can travel back to the 60s.

Of all Bundesländers they got at the helm in Berlin. And wreaking havoc as always that corrupt industry obedient creeps under whose regimen the most farms died and who now present themselves as the only party (besides the horse farmer Christian Lindner) who wants to save small farms by posting 3 year old pictures of photo-op's (Plöß) in a farm or putting on rubber boots and hugging farmers (Klöckner).

They constantly don't stand with their past opinions (Söder regarding cannabis legalization) are anti-semites (Aiwanger) and climate change deniers. They are against renewables, animal welfare, modern organic farming, abolishing of fossil fuels and alternative transportation methods and everything that's necessary to save the asses of the future generations.

They'd definitely coalition with AfD if that would be the only measure to get into power again and working into the hands of fossil fuel and alcohol lobbyists again.

Everything that's going bad in this country is not the fault of their 16 years of corrupt reign but of the Greens who are merely in power for 3 years, who made record low GHGs, record high renewables and the breaking up with Putins gas in germany possible (Habeck for chancelor).

Look at this especially dumb conspiracy theorist specimen here who's allowed to regularily write pieces for Springer-Press telling us it's an imperative to save the combustion engine in favour of a dying german industry:

I hate them with a passion.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

My aunt had helicobacter for years. Not a joke.

Apart from that we got lovely H5N1 which has an easy game on poultry farms on animals with weakened immune systems and is bound to break out or mutate if not the whole flock is culled. It's killed people and some virus could emerge when human and avian flu viruses join forces. It's ravaging in non-avian wildlife and even a polar-bear currently. All this screams next novel pandemic.

And stuff like this that sure will effect human health in some way. Those behaviours are deliberate. It's a ruthless industry.

[–] 6 points 6 months ago (2 children)

The stringy material is probably Seitan (or vital wheat gluten). It's purely plant based and made from protein rich flour. It has the highest content of protein in plantbased meat replacements (close and above than real meat) but is usually low in the amino acid lysine, opposed to soy-based replacement which contain all 9 essential amino acids in sufficient amounts.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)
  1. Jup. That execution was extremely dangerous and I'm sure Iran is still pondering how they could take revenge. Another possible fubar situation if he comes to power. Iran launching a new 9/11 as a retribution for their national hero.

  2. Not meant that you insulted me but rather 46. You're free to do of course but I don't think it fits. I can't imagine it's Biden who's giving commands to carpet bomb Gaza, block aid deliveries or to shoot ~100 people fighting for said deliveries.

  3. I'm not well informed about the independent candidates in the US and their stance to help for Israel. But even if there are some very left parties with no-aid for Israel policy would they stand any chance against Orange Cheato? After him it's just game over. He would be dictator for lifetime. And Don Jr. after. Remember it's very hard for US presidents to traditionally not support Israel militarywise. This doctrine seems to become a bit brittle lately with the dems.

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