[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 day ago

Rare Earth by Peter Ward is what you're after here. I took an elective in college that effectively was reading a bunch of space science (and history, it was odd) and discussing. This one caught me off guard but was a decent breakdown of a possible answer to Fermi.

I don't necessarily agree with the supposition, mainly because it still comes from a place of specifically carbon-based life as the end goal. But they do lay out reasoning in an easy to understand way that was super neat to learn.

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 4 points 6 days ago

Personally? Nationalism & nation states. The longer they stay around, the more likely everyone is to think they're more deserving of X, and pull the literal and metaphorical trigger that leads to hitting the filter.

I recognize that individuality is very much our thing, but that will literally only take you so far.

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 55 points 1 month ago

Aight, so long as we're including other religious texts and having the class be a deep dive into similarities and differences and what might make the "human condition" between all of them, I'm game.

Oh no? Just American Christianity? Sounds like something that goes against the Constitution there.

sips tea

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 53 points 2 months ago

Might be easier to actually nail him with something instead of having N ongoing trials, but I understand "courts take time for a reason."

Just feels like it's getting down to the wire with him.

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 34 points 3 months ago

Dude, showering is exactly what I feel like now. I clicked the post to be nice and read, but only got a couple paragraphs before I just skimmed and picked out the "JFC" bits.

Then the first comment on the blog mentions how sad it is that you lose your "genetic whiteness" in 9 generations and just..goddamn...why is this an issue? Genetic purity is a fucking impossibility due to sheer randomness, let alone the implications of "keeping it white."

I try to be empathetic where possible, but fuck these people and their entire worldview.

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 54 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

But...but...I was told W10 was the last OS I'd ever have to install!!

Edit: context

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 59 points 5 months ago

The fact that the response from IDF is to say "nuh uh, this is just propaganda, and we're in the right anyways because they are the bad guys" is just so frustratingly transparent, given that it's an English news team recording it...

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 39 points 5 months ago

So...they just lost the international court case then, no? He legit just said "we're taking it over."

'Course, this is me just being hopeful there is some recourse for the blatant disregard for humans 🫤

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 66 points 7 months ago

Am I the only one enjoying Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds as they come out then? 🙃

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 34 points 8 months ago

“We were the scapegoat of the government,” she said. “They (Hamas) warned us three weeks before they taught us a lesson. A huge crowd arrived at the road. They burned fields. They sent incendiary balloons to burn the fields, and the army didn’t take it seriously.”

That seems like an important part of this article. Not to day what they didn't wasn't horrific, but seems like something.

[-] bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml 109 points 9 months ago

never previously in the friendly and orderly West.

Well, started reading the article, got to this line and cringed.

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