[-] brewery@feddit.uk 14 points 6 months ago

Yeah it sounds like Androids aggressive battery helper is causing this.

Is there any benefit to browsing private mode? Its only stopping history on your phone and not websites, so you can just set normal mode to not save history, cookies etc. Private mode is designed to be temporary in stopping your phone recording history and one button to close them all, so its not surprising that it doesn't save tabs, in fact its a feature

submitted 6 months ago by brewery@feddit.uk to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Does anybody know a way of either converting (on android) a putty key to something I can use in ConnectBot, or a good android SSH app that can use Putty keys natively?

I am away from home without my laptop, which I would usually use. I only have my android phone with me.

A few months ago I tried creating RSA key pairs to use with Putty on my laptop and ConnectBot but for some reason I just could not crack it so gave up. I also used puttygen to create an RSA key but it would not work on ConnectBot

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 14 points 7 months ago

First I thought he left because they continue to push for this illegal, expensive and unworkable Rwanda plan but now can see he left because they refused to go far enough and overwrite international law... Just wow

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 76 points 7 months ago

My belief is this all comes down to austerity. We have poorer people, a much poorer health service (physical and mental health), less benefits, less money for teachers, less money for social workers, less money for police, less job opportunities, less pay, higher rent, higher costs etc across the board but especially worse in poorer areas. This is a society on the verge of collapse and we're seeing signs of it everywhere.

Happy families and happy kids want to engage with other people, learn things and be part of a community. What makes them happy - enough money for shelter, food and basic necessities without worry of where the money for rent is going to come from or having to use a food bank. I've been there and when you are struggling it's hard to care for the wider society / community. Thankfully I didn't have kids eating up that stress which they will easily pick up on.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 10 points 7 months ago

This is really interesting, thanks for sharing.

I knew about the girl who died and her mother's campaign but didn't realise how central it was to Khan's push for this. I also didn't know his personal problems with asthma and pollution, or his additional security needs.

I've seen a lot of these campaigners around. They rolled through Epsom Town centre a few weeks ago and funnily enough, their vans completely blocked the crossing I was trying to use with my 4 year old on a very busy street making it very unsafe.

They've caused lots of annoyance with their constant horns, driving up local traffic unnecessarily and megaphones. I hear more hate for Just Stop Oil but can frankly say, they've never caused me personally any problems at all so funny isn't it...

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 10 points 7 months ago

This is brilliant timing. I read this sitting at the gate for a short hall flight. There was still a lot of time before the flight and they announced "can Anna something please come to the desk", and about 40 people (I counted as had so much time still) stood up and rushed to queue up and then had to stand up for another 30 minutes until it actually started boarding...

It was a cheap airline so overhead space can be difficult but I really don't get the people who rush to sit down in the tight horrible seats (designated seating btw) waiting for everyone else to sit.

We arrived and then the picture happened of course...

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 11 points 7 months ago

I am the child of immigrants from India who came a long time ago. I was born and raised here, and absolutely abhor and cannot understand how they can do this, so have been thinking about this a lot.

I think one of the factors is that often, it was the richest or highest castes from India and other countries that were able to afford to move here when it was legal and you could just jump on a boat. To buy the ticket was probably enough to factor most people out. They were therefore typically more Conservative in their views beforehand being on top of society that means you probably have a higher degree of that mentality of superiority due to genes/upbringing/social class similar to the upper classes here, so felt very at home with this British class system. I've heard some immigrant people make comments about the poorer in their societies being less smart, less willing to work, gaming the welfare systems etc, which sounds familiar right?

My parents, as an example of some immigrants, were suddenly at the bottom of this society and knew that it wasn't because of their genes or intelligence. My dad went to university in India before moving but it was not recognised here so he worked in factory jobs most of his life. He is Song and had a turban but he had to cut it off to find work as they wouldn't hire him otherwise. My mum moved before her teenage years and is one of the most intelligent women I know but didn't do well in school because of the language barrier, racism (she was forced to go to school miles away from her sisters because there was a policy to divide ethnic groups between schools to not create non white majorities) and low expectations (University was never considered by her working class school or her parents as they could not understand the benefits over earning as soon as possible). It challenged their thinking on their views and made them more left wing. My parents were 100% working class in the British class system and worked their life to give my and my siblings an education to try to "move up" the system.

Some immigrants came over and did well straight away without much issue, so did not have any challenge to their existing views and fit quite nicely into the upper classes in British society. The British Upper class were welcoming as they matched values, had much experience together given lots of british upper classes lived in or experienced India during the Raj. These Indians could speak the "queens English" etc etc. I have a school friend whose grandfather started a clothes business and was very successful, and very early on after moving. He was brought up very wealthy, was taught it was because they were very smart and worked hard, with no mention of the minimum wage employees they used from the immigrant population to make that money, and is therefore extremely Conservative in his views.

Nowadays, there is not really a legal and safe path to the UK so the "upper class" foreigners are going elsewhere. In reality, we are now getting people so desperate to escape whatever horrors they had and have nothing to give up so they are willing to risk their lives and/or the people smugglers are taking advantage of these vulnerable people by offering passage for loans they will struggle to pay off. In the minds of Sunak and Suella, they are lesser people so we should keep them out.

It seems to me like the experience of black, other Asian or African immigrants is very different to this as they were always seen as "lesser". There are many more Tories of Indian origin than other groups. I think the above goes some way to explain it

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 20 points 7 months ago

They know they're gone so trying to (1) extract as much money as they can now and (2) fuck up the country as much as possible so labour have a harder job in the hope they can get elected quicker.

No aims to improve the country as a whole, or the people within it in any shape or form. They should be kicked out of the country and sent to Jersey or cayman Islands.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 24 points 8 months ago

This is horrifying. It's interesting what/ who they use their powers to target. The most committed crime is probably speeding so would they ask Google maps how fast you were going? Probably not as it would catch too many of their own but women with unexplained abortions...

On the flip side, although still want to stress this is horrible what they are doing, I am kind of curious what is happening when by my understanding, abortion is fairly easy to get here and is free. Is it people having miscarriages themselves but trying to keep it quiet from partners/ family, is it people not realising they're pregnant, people changing their mind or is it, as I suspect, mostly actual medical miscarriages but they are chavs or poor so must've done wrong.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 10 points 8 months ago

Lots of people don't know how to find good deals, and funnily enough that is impossible without the Internet and good knowledge of how to avoid the various traps laid out for people. I learned about this stuff and general computing myself, not at school. Most of my friends and family still don't know a lot of this so rely on me for advice.

It's easy for us to judge but imagine you had no Internet. What would you do? You'd go into a mobile phone store where they are engineered to make you leave with the highest contact possible, and you don't know enough to challenge them. Or you search on a friends phone but what comes up is SEO gamed to again, give you a high contract. Or you know there's Vodafone as they advertise heavily so go straight to their website. Funnily enough, the contracts they initially advertise are pretty high and they don't advertise their cheaper sister brand talk mobile.

Now, imagine trying to do all this when your PIP payment has not come through so you have £6 in your account. You try going to the job centre but they just say you have to go online. The council can't help. Your friends don't know enough to help. So you desperately are trying to get a phone contact to figure out what's going on and decide £30 sounds reasonable and it's less of a concern than trying to find money to feed my kids today.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 14 points 8 months ago

Please please please do this in London. I'm sick of all the completely unnecessarily giant cars around here.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 55 points 9 months ago

What difficulties are you finding with it and are you switching from Google? The results are as custom as Google given they haven't scraped your life history so wondering if that's it? I've been using DDG without any issues. About once every 6 months I struggle to find something so try the Google bang but have never found better results. In fact, I was shocked last time how crap the Google results were, just full of AI generated crap and SEO based crap.

To be honest, DDG is also struggling with that now as it's based on Bing. I have been trying a public searxg but not found it very good so far.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 52 points 9 months ago

Suggests to me they are not choosing to leave

Am I Speeding? (tube.spdns.org)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by brewery@feddit.uk to c/ukcasual@lemmy.world

Next step is to run past to see how fast I can get it. Its on a massive downhill so might be pretty fun

By the way, this link is a Peertube instance (federated YouTube)

This bloody sign went up a little while ago and is set completely wrong. It's a 30mph road but I've had it sad face when driving past above 20mph, which has scared me enough to slow down pissing off everyone behind

submitted 11 months ago by brewery@feddit.uk to c/ukcasual@lemmy.world

I was always under the impression that on a “normal" 4 exit roundabout (i.e. two roads crossing), you would indicate left if going left, right if going right, and no indication if going straight on. Then whichever way you're going you indicate left when passing the exit before. However, a number of drivers indicate right when going straight on, which means I stop expecting them to continue around but could've entered the roundabout. Am I incorrect here? Was there a time when something different was taught?

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