[-] brewery@feddit.uk 7 points 7 months ago

Are they going to monitor MPs bank accounts for "security" purposes, company bank accounts for tax evasion, directors bank accounts for bribery/AML? If they think these would be horrible and unworkable then this is too. Absolutely messed up

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 8 points 7 months ago

Let's not forget, with FPTP and voter turnout, it's not half.

In the 2019 general election, they won 43% of the votes with 67% turnout, which, to be fair, was higher than Labour at 32% of the votes.

Brexit was 52% of votes with 72% turnout.

I wish we had a higher turnout and it's hard to justify that the will of the people is not met if they don't bother voting but guess I'm just saying, it's not true that it's over half of the country.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 6 points 7 months ago

That is true but the article clearly says they are looking at overall travel habits including walking, cycling and public transport.

I'm not a fan of uber or sick plaster solutions instead of radical long term redesign/change, but found the experiment and article very useful.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 5 points 7 months ago

If you are a student with certain schools you can get it for free. I'm doing a part time course at a UK university and they gave it for free, I just had to register using my university email address. I've not taken it up as want to avoid it in favour of libreoffice but will use for coursework on a VM if I really need to.

Guess they try to suck people in so they pay in the future

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 6 points 7 months ago

It is and it isn't. It's regressive that we all pay the same. It isn't because it is still a choice whether you choose to watch TV or not.

I'd happily have it funded by tax in theory. However, only if it was guaranteed somehow but knowing Tories would gut it straight away means I would never support this. Other parties might choose to reduce funding to serve political needs.

We also need to think how much we get for the price really. It pays for decent news coverage (especially internationally), Welsh language shows, weather, radio stations (with a lot of support to all types of music/ musicians, especially non mainstream and small artists), children's education (tv channels and bitesize), food recipes (they have a lot of healthy newsletters). The news is contentious with some people but its only a small part of it all. They have also pushed creative, technological and social boundaries.

The BBC is the UK's NASA!!! We should be proud of it, push to keep it going and as with everything, push to improve it to serve us as people.

I used bitesize just the other week to remind me of multiplying fractions as applying to do a degree as a mature student. It was such good content for free and there was much more on so many topics.

They have a lot of TV shows that private producers like netflix would never make. They cater for making money for shareholders only. How many good tv shows do they cancel because not profitable anymore? How many shows for ethnic minorities or small parts of the country do they make?

We should also support the ITV and Channel 4. They are differently operated to how a private company would be even without fees but do so much less than the BBC because they don't get fees so is not a real alternative option. They challenge the BBC and produce a wider mix of content. I never watch ITV tbh but appreciate people must do.

Let's take away any political influence (e.g. choosing the chair and board), make sure its accountable to the UK public by ensuring its independence from the current government so it can actually challenge them, and make sure its following aims like increase access to culture of all types, support British creators, support/represent all parts of the community, help teach us and our kids, give us information how/ when we need it and make us proud!

Wow, this was supposed to be one or two lines but I got carried away!

TL:DR: the BBC does so much more than we often think about (TV, radio, news, weather, children's shows, Bitesize, recipes etc). Let's make it properly independent from govt and help it carry on supporting the British people in the many ways it already does so.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 5 points 8 months ago

I am really coming around to the fact that mopeds should be more common. The trouble is, it feels dangerous until car/van/trucks reduce in number, which is a catch-22.

I am thinking of getting one for my commute as just started a new job where it is possible to go on public transport but takes twice as long and lots of changes. Its just awkward placement really rather than the lack of transport, as have to criss cross. It does blow my mind how everyone is driving around tanks just for one person to travel (as cars have gotten noticeably bigger), it just doesn't make sense!

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 3 points 8 months ago

I am very hesitant to use them after finding bitwarden (self hosted vaultwarden) so much better than keepass and past experience does say anything new released by proton will take a while to be full featured 😀 .

I understand your pain though. I setup my wife with it but can't convince her to actually use it, despite her getting regularly frustrated with forgetting passwords... I keep saying to people it is so much better than not having one as it fills it automatically and is much more secure but for some reason, people think I'm the crazy nut for using one.

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 4 points 8 months ago

This made me laugh so hard! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this nonsense article

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 6 points 8 months ago

I used to live in Birmingham and 100% agree with this sentiment. I'd regularly see cars speeding, parking ridiculously and several road rage incidents. However, I felt I had to have a car because public transport for getting around and not just to / from the city centre was terrible. I lived in a suburb with friends in neighbouring suburbs. To drive would be 20 minutes but to get public transport would be over an hour.

I'd love to have cycled but outside the city centre it was horrible and dangerous. There are miles of canals that would be perfect but around where I lived they were poorly maintained and used by people to take drugs. Its not nice having to cycle over broken needles...

I really hope the council would change this but it's pretty unlikely now they're bankrupt!

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 7 points 9 months ago

Before you go too far into it and spend lots of time, I think most VPS services let you installed a new OS on their admin site so you can start again from scratch. If you're not sure that is the right linux flavour, go for something else more mainstream so you can find lots of support online. Looking at the OS, I'm sure it might be good but I'm also sure you can install all the features very easily yourself, especially if it's just using docker mainly.

I second UFW. I found this guide useful: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/ufw-essentials-common-firewall-rules-and-commands. You might want to try tailscale as others use it for easily setting up vpn access but not used it myself. Also go for fail2ban or, for more assurance but harder work, try crowdsec too.

You could also use cloudflare dns and add IP and/or country restrictions to block all traffic before it gets to your VPS. I have a country filter and it's crazy how many bots get blocked from all over!

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 5 points 10 months ago

I switched from keepass to vaultwarden (self hosted bitwarden) and am glad I tried it out as am finding it so much better on all my devices. I definitely recommend giving it a try if you're just looking to tinker with things

[-] brewery@feddit.uk 7 points 10 months ago

I bought a new phone after having the old one for 3 years and as a treat to myself. It was an S22 Ultra. I regret buying it as the improvements are very minor compared to my old phone, and definitely not worth the massive hike in cost.

The camera is better but tbh, I barely notice it as its mostly a few photos for memories. I'm not printing them on canvas or anything so no point really having such high quality photos. Will definitely hold onto this one for as long as i can

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