
joined 1 year ago

Road networks can only work in dense environments. You think that building and maintaining expensive transit infrastructure can be done outside of large cities? Last mile transportation means that we couldn't build out roads to people's houses. Relying on car transport would require parking your car in the main city square and walking home from there. Not to mention that car transport is universally less efficient in energy to get from point A to point B.

Then personally build me a road fucker. It is like people only think public transport requires huge amounts of public investment and maintenance, but other forms of transport somehow magically require less than the most efficient option. Roads and cars just appear out of thin air...

Dirty Westerner, but from polls and outside forms of public sentiment I have seen, public support of the government in China is extremely high, due to the large, until possibly recently, economic growth and decades of constant improvement in people's material conditions.

Cuba it is not as strong, as the US blockade has prevented the strong growth China has experienced. But there is still majority support due to the Batista regime still being in living memory and the various improvements in literacy and education, medicine/life expectancy, and various forms of local democracy. There are organic and legitimate critiques, but anti-government protests are usually dwarfed by pro-government/M-26-7 protests. And usually, though this is often misrepresented by pro-western sources, the dissatisfaction with the current government is more pro-reform rather than in favor of reversion back to capitalism. Though this is one of those things that polling or any way to quantify public sentiment can very easily be twisted with framing.

Vietnam, I have less knowledge of and cannot give a summary off the top of my head with any trust in my own knowledge.

Liberalism is the moderate form of what again?

Democrats will fight the hardest they have ever fought to avoid giving up their position as the polite, norms-respecting Republicans.

I successfully moved to NeoVim

Tankie bullshit! Obviously competition will mean corporations will act benevolently.

They are the fascists?

"We must secure the existence of our right-wing echo chambers and a future for our Reddit children"