[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

Rogues are super fun to play! Invisibility on demand is so powerful.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

When not upgraded, armor blocks between 0 and X, but blocking increases with upgrades as +1/+tier. In addition, evasion means a hit can be avoided entirely.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

One thing I'd add to all the good advice here: positioning is crucial. You should avoid facing more than one mob at a time. Use doors to your advantage: when a mob enters a door square, you will surprise it and get a guaranteed hit. Use hallways to force mobs to get to you one at a time. Be careful when you're in an open, large room, since a ranged mob can kill you very quickly.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

Congratulations! It does feel good to keep improving every game.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 4 points 3 weeks ago

Luckily, there was a hallway (behind the mage in the picture) that allowed me to take the mobs one at a time. I was also able to position them so that the evil eyes in the back targeted multiple enemies.

BTW, the loot in that room was 300 gp :-)

submitted 3 weeks ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

This was level 21 -- I'm glad to report that the mage made it all the way to the amulet.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I was having a great run with a mage. Found a leather armor +2, whip of shocking +2, a couple of rings and a good selection of wands, some even upgraded.

I was dominating level 13 in the caves. There, I found a treasure room with the pool and the piranhas. I readily gulped down my only invisibility potion and went for the treasure, hoping for a scale armor. I had saved 2 or 3 scrolls of upgrade and a couple of arcane styli waiting for the right armor to appear.

As I was making my way to the treasure chest, a gnoll brute and a gnoll shaman both entered the room. Trying to avoid them, I took too long to get back. Through bad luck and miscalculation, the potion ran out one step from the door, which was blocked by the brute.

So, I found myself facing three giant piranhas and two gnolls. I didn't have a teleport spell, and my stones of blink were useless as I was surrounded. I tried everything I could think of, and downed 11 (!) potions of healing and shielding, but I was taking too much damage. In the end, the mage succumbed to his wounds and the game was over.

I exited the game in frustration and swore not to try again in at least a week (not for the first time).

Five minutes later, to my horror, I realized I forgot that I had a seed of fadeleaf that might have saved me :-(

[-] buo@lemmy.world 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Yes, just food drops, potions of healing and dew. This particular seed has an ample supply of food as well. In general, I used to struggle with food management, but lately I've improved this aspect of the game and seldom run out of food. Some ideas:

  • Make sure to move diagonally when possible to save one turn.
  • Convert all mistery meats to edible meat.
  • Get the small rations from the shops.
  • Imbue the blandfruit with a seed of icecap or firebloom. Besides serving as a thrown weapon, they leave some food behind. It lasts for a long time!
  • Try not to go back and forth through a level -- minimize the amount of turns you spend moving.
  • The potions of honeyed healing (healing potion + shattered honeypot) also provide a bit of satiety.
submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

The scale armor was augmented for evasion; not even the scorpions could hit me. I waltzed through the demon halls without worries.

I also had a RoW +1 and a robber's armband, and at some point had more than 10,000 gold. I had never had more than 3,000 before. Overall, I collected almost 21,000 gold; all my previous wins hovered around 14,000.

There are three (!) stones of enchantment, not even in hidden rooms. And five experience potions!

Ascended with a score of 242,000, my best yet.


[-] buo@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

Yes, that was the case. I was surprised because it had never happened before that the stairs were behind a secret door.l

No way down? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I can't find the way down! Am I going blind? Can the stairs be behind a secret door? I don't have any mapping spells or clairvoyance stones. Level 7, seed KXK-ZML-VGR. The room at the bottom of the map is closed.

Update: backtracked to a store and sold some stuff to get a spell of magic mapping. There were two secret doors on the west room woth the two columns. This is the first time this happens!

submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

Say I was having a great run, when (as usual) made a mistake and ended up dead. I'd like to try again, but didn't save the seed. Is there a way to recover it?

[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

I think @GWLexx meant that you mentioned having a "great seed", but didn't share it :-)

submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I've played almost 100 runs, and two of them have been ended by a pitfall trap. On one hand, its existence helps keep SPD a punishing, unforgiving game in the Rogue-like tradition, but on the other, instant death is always frustrating. What are others' opinions?

[-] buo@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

It might be interesting. The flow could be controlled with locked doors, sort of the way Doom/Quake do it.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Knowing this, I was able to find the gold I needed fairly quickly. Thanks!

submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

It's by far the part of the game I like the least... there's always a couple of gold nuggets I can't seem to find. It's boring, and also frustrating to see my food supply dwindle.

Ascended! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

First time! It's not too difficult, but just as the rest of the game, one mistake can mean game over (I was down to 4 HP at some point). I decided to try with the rogue first, since I think it's the easiest hero to play with, and the most powerful.

submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I've managed to win once with each hero!

From my limited experience, I'd say the rogue was the easiest to win with. Still, a lot depends on getting the right equipment, and not making any mistakes.

Interestingly, I've only played once with the rogue and the warrior, and a handful of times with the mage and duelist. Most of my games have been with the huntress, which remains my favorite hero.

[-] buo@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Funny, this happened with a wand of corruption as well. At least SPD saved the game before crashing, and the wand worked fine after restarting the game.

A truly cursed wand (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

It was cursed so bad, it crashed the game 😅

[-] buo@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

Thanks! I'll try to improve my seed placement. Using stormvine next to a chasm is a great idea.

Once I was in a room and a couple of enemies were coming from a corridor. I planted a firebloom right next to the corridor door, but the baddies just moved diagonally into the room!

Also, is it correct to say that flying enemies (such as fly swarms) don't activate the plants?

submitted 3 months ago by buo@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I'm a beginner, with 33 games under my belt, playing almost exclusively with the huntress so far. I've made it down to dungeon level 14.

I've never had much success using seeds for offense, and I think that is limiting my progress. Whenever I throw a seed in front of an enemy, they just sidestep it -- even in a narrow corridor, somehow they don't seem to trigger the seed's effect. What am I missing?

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