
joined 8 months ago
[–] burliman 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

He could be dead wrong but not because some internet comment says so. Maybe cite the proof you speak of…

[–] burliman 6 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Reminds me of Nokia suing Apple (two waves), Blockbuster suing Netflix, and Yahoo suing Facebook. Threatened, declining company suing a disruptor is what we can expect will always happen I guess. Will be nice to see this stuff finally tested in court though.

[–] burliman 1 points 8 months ago

C# has the Microsoft coding standards that are most accepted. PHP has the PSR standards. JavaScript has pretty much nothing and is the Wild West.

Those are the only ones I know about.

[–] burliman 1 points 8 months ago

Just like evolution.

[–] burliman 1 points 8 months ago

Yes. It’s very fashionable to hate Elon Musk, but unfashionable to acknowledge that someone you hate can do good stuff.

[–] burliman 3 points 8 months ago

Hey guys it’s another vibrant community.

[–] burliman 1 points 8 months ago

I like it because it works for its use case. Its use case is for sectors that have plateaued or no longer need (or never needed) the pressures of competitive marketplaces.

Good examples are things we have now in the USA that are socialized:

  • Public education
  • Public libraries
  • Social security
  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • Public transportation
  • Public parks, beaches, and recreation areas
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Fire departments
  • Public roads and highways
  • Emergency medical services (EMS)
  • Public broadcasting services
  • Veterans Health Administration
  • Public housing
  • Unemployment insurance
  • State and national museums
  • Water and sewer services
  • Public utility companies (in some areas)
  • Postal Service

Now, you might say some of these suck, which brings me to my next point:

The only time social programs don’t work or don’t work well for their use case is when a minority of rats get into the system and chew and scheme their way to power and cannibalize it for their own gain. This breaks capitalist principals in their systems too, so I guess it’s not really a socialism issue.

[–] burliman 1 points 8 months ago

I’m fairly certain anyone who wishes for socialism is talking about the Nordic version, not the Cold War soviet Russia waiting in line for wheat allotments version.