[-] came_apart_at_Kmart@hexbear.net 20 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Moreover, according to a senior Democratic official, the party leadership would have much more control over choosing a replacement if Biden were to drop out after receiving the nomination than if he did so beforehand. Once a candidate is officially nominated, there is a process for the Democratic National Committee members to choose a successor. Biden is the dominant force at the DNC, and his preference for a successor would surely carry sway.

they want him to wait until at least after the convention, which up until now has been an unopposed victory lap, because after that, a window for a slightly-more-democratic process will be closed and bosses in the party can handpick someone.

If Biden were to exit before [the convention], his delegates might do what he asked of them — but they wouldn’t be bound in the same way they are now. In that scenario, the delegates could nominate anyone, and there could be a political brawl at the convention.

a "political brawl" is when a handful of national party bosses can't just appoint someone and would have to accept someone chosen by a larger group of people. Quelle horreur!

“We need to have as much discipline as emotion,” the senior Democratic official said. “It’s not politically smart for Biden to step down.”

lol, possibly the most nakedly self-serving quote in the entire article. "it doesn't work for my aspirations if i can't chose the nominee in secret with a handful of friends."

[-] came_apart_at_Kmart@hexbear.net 13 points 8 hours ago

wack CCTV footage in there.

growing up in FL, where the sinkholes are not due to mines, but natural processes, I had assumed all sinkhole formed from natural processes and this made them scary. void collapses rapidly underneath your house: adios!

but I guess dumbasses will build shit on top of extractive mines and be like "omg wha-happen" when that ends up doing the most obvious thing I the world.

[-] came_apart_at_Kmart@hexbear.net 19 points 12 hours ago

yeah, that shit was wack. what a blackpilled, gleefully nihilistic answer to a softball question that i did not expect when i saw it.

how hard is to say, "we talked afterward and had a reconciliation over our differences. we decided our experiences could make us a good team [blah blah blah]". instead of blurting out "i have no values, you simple-minded child! HAHAHAHA".

i kinda get the impression that when this issue ("just said biden was a segregationist on live TV to massive applause and i'm a POC woman... how do i now join his team as his subordinate?") was pitched around her room of handlers and fixers, they dismissed it as, "just a debate". and rather than figure out the public messaging script, the dismissal was all that was rattling around in her xanax brain.

i think she is rude to wall street guys when the cameras are on at those committee things, and occasionally points out discrepancies in policy/talking points or makes accusations of fraud. instead of being knowingly respectful and deferential to our great financiers of empire.

it's minor, but it's probably enough to be excluded for highest office.

this is democrats taking advantage of the reactionary court ruling. "voting blue no matter who" puts/keeps democrats in power that do shit like this. they do not resist conservatives. they are the conservatives taking advantage of how uncritical the DNC is of conservative politics. when the DNC decided to cram the most ancient and reactionary piece of shit in the party into the oval office, the one who

  • was the major booster for the iraq war
  • fucked over student borrowers, all the way hard
  • spent entire career expanding the police and carceral state
  • made sure clarence thomas, the most corrupt judge in history, could elide the anita hill allegations and make it to the unimpeachable high court for life

...that should have been your clue that the democrats are not interested in what voters want and are content to chose a barbaric future of repression and cruelty for the masses. and here we are 4 years later, all social-program promises broken, the economy in meltdown, with two right-wing colonial proxy wars (one internationally recognized as a genocide) in two different regions, multiple coup attempts, and war mongering against china. one is not worse than the other. one is merely different than the other. it is a symbolic distinction without a material difference.

if the democrats had any interest in doing something better, they would not be backing biden and trying to bully everyone into supporting him. the longer the party keeps him in the slot, the more obvious their lack of true concern for a trump victory becomes.

nice! after i got mine (2018), i tried to get people to refer to me with the honorific "Maestro". it failed to catch on. maybe you will have better luck!

what kind of loser so readily dismisses the guy who tried to blow up the workplace. so long as the bomb guy was taking steps to avoid harming any of the workers, i say hear him out.

also, if a dude who can't move or communicate with any coherency can "crush it", it might be time to re-evaluate the organization.

sorry for torturing this metaphor, but they started it.

a lot of dems like to pretend the DNC primaries are some sort of democratic filtering process, instead of this opaque ratfuck where a handful of party bosses atop political machines in gerrymandered-safe districts horse trade and purposely make mass participation difficult with various mechanisms to disenfranchise poors, dilute or diffuse popular candidates.

i dunno if you've seen that rhetorical move dems make now where if someone refers to one of the party as "democrat" they say it's a republican slur, that their party is "democratic" and should be referred to as such. lmao. meanwhile, the republican party is more democratic in its presidential primary process than the DNC. notice how the GOP couldn't block their populist insurgent candidate, but in 2016 bernie had an insurmountable "superdelegate problem" where a bunch of party insiders would get to completely overrule the actually elected delegates. or when the Nevada primary in 2016 was abruptly ended by a controversial "voice vote" with the party chair claiming hilary won to a roomful of boos, gaveling the session closed over objections, and having the police clear out the room. or the whole "shadow app" thing in 2020 for iowa where Mayo Pete claimed victory with <2% of the votes in and winning some statistically impossible number of coin tosses... because somehow dozens of coin tosses are part of the democratic process for democrats in iowa? meanwhile, bernie still actually won iowa, then new hampshire, then nevada. so the party called in jim clyburn to crank his red state machine for biden, summoned obama to do a full court press, started ratfucking the mail-in primary voting options for an emerging covid, and had Snake Warren (who lost her own home state) stay in while everyone else dropped to bleed votes off bernie and elevate biden.

when these clowns insist that we need to vote for their shitheel to save democracy, they can be disregarded because the US presidential election has never been subjected to the forces of democracy, quite often due to the intervention of the DNC. what they want you to protect are their illusions and rituals.

democracy is when you have to convince people to support the cranky, blathering asshole nobody wanted.

i couldn't handle more than 6-7 minutes of it. i was like, "lol this is gonna be funny" and then i watched them both sort of respond to a question and had this kind of sensation of derealization when trying to reconcile that biden's handlers put him on a stage in that condition.

even pretending like this wouldn't be horrifically exploited to do unimaginable cruelty to people, the value proposition here is "what they experience as decades of punishment, in real life it's just a few minutes, they can be right back to work." fucking great.

makes me think of that black mirror christmas episode part with jon hamm training the "egg" device and how they "break" the cloned consciousness of a virtual personal assistant by making it experience months of "infinite nothingness" in seconds to get it to cooperate with instructions.

whoever dreamed up this b.s. should have a radio collar fitted to them and be monitored.


This article is 8 years old, but the article about a Catholic healthcare provider denying MAID services reminded me of it. i learned about it from a friend who is a researcher of medical/healthcare policy in the US.

Basically, when Catholic hospitals merge or are even bought out by secular providers in the states, the Catholic church inserts language into the contract (the property becomes "encumbered" I think is the term) to require facilities to follow / adopt Catholic restrictions in perpetuity. These restrictions can never be unwound and are generally hidden from public knowledge during the deal.

Since 2001, the number of acute care hospitals operating under Catholic doctrine has shot up 22 percent.

As Mindy Swank discovered, it’s often impossible to know when a secular hospital is operating under Catholic restrictions. Genesis became a zombie religious hospital in 1994, during a merger with Catholic Mercy Hospital in Davenport, Iowa. The trend has accelerated in recent years, as secular hospitals have joined forces with Catholic facilities in an effort to hold their own against insurance companies and to comply with requirements for greater collaboration under the Affordable Care Act. In five states—Alaska, Iowa, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin—more than 40 percent of acute care hospital beds now fall under Catholic doctrine.


It feels incredible. With the organization for 10+ years, in the role for 6+ years. I got passed over for a promotion I was overqualified for because my shithead boss, with his beautiful mind, calculated that promoting me would mean twice the paperwork (having to fill my old position). Who cares that it would have meant a 20% raise and increased stability to me. Not to mention all the attendant exploitation in a anti-labor / zero social safety net state normalizing a continuous stacking of projects and responsibilities on people.... because "where are they gonna go?" The answer might surprise you!

To be fair, I have been feeling the unstable vibes here for a few years and been casually putting out applications for other jobs. Like maybe once every month or so, when some new fresh idiocy drives me to tweak and submit my resume somewhere.

Not even 4 weeks after my application was ignored, I got offered a job in a strong union state in the public sector. And not just offered, they said after the panel interview that I blew the competition away. The way my bosses and overseers have treated me here, alongside the limited bites in applications over the year, was starting to wear me down that I started wondering if maybe they had a point.... like maybe I'm not that valuable. So it feels nice to have someone interview me, look over my body of work/portfolio, and say, "Wow, yes please!" Not to mention, there's a real future for me in terms of formal professional development, job grade advancement, and time-in-position compensation bumps. Because, there's a union in a pro-union state! All shit my previous employer had foreclosed on, because no union and anti-union state.

Anyway, suffice to say, I took it and they are being super chill about remote-until-relocation, offering to help etc. I put in my official notice to my boss 24 hours ago (no response lmao) and workfriends/collaborators who are all sad to see me go, super happy for me, or some combo of both. They all get it.

I am doing what I can for the people I work with to cover their asses with their own bosses, but I know >80% of the plates I've been spinning are going to come crashing down over the 6 months after I'm gone. I tried for years to have get the bosses to support cross-training and redundancy, even under the principle of "what if I die in a car accident?" but they ignored me. One of the reasons I am going so far away from this organization is so the bosses will have no social capital to fuck with me at my new place of employment and try to backchannel / pull strings to get me to keep those things maintained once the angry emails and calls start coming in from stakeholders. Hell, I'm not even telling them where I'm going. They can ask their subordinates if they want to know. LOL

Anyway peeps. I know the job search is the worst, but I had a good story and wanted to share.


i was lost in my own thoughts when this ancient, new grounds web-animation popped into my head. this was originally uploaded almost 20 years ago (October 6th, 2004).

nostalgia for the oldheads, i guess. i don't really get what the inspiration for this was. just another weird, low bandwidth flash animation. i guess the dad is jacked up on the devil's lettuce... back in the days when buying the weed drugs from some guy in the parking lot of an IHOP meant you were literally helping Al Qaeda do more 9/11s.

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