[-] cassiacow@beehaw.org 15 points 6 days ago

Yeah, I agree. For me (a trans woman) it'd make me slightly uncomfortable if somebody capitalised my pronouns each time because I'd feel like some type of power dynamic that's not comfortable for me to sit in. If that's not an issue for OP, that's okay, but with my specific cultural background i'd find it a bit difficult to interact with Them in that way (not that it's hard for me to respect Their pronouns, just that it's slightly uncomfortable in a power dynamic way)

[-] cassiacow@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

What's Orff? That sounds exciting!

submitted 1 week ago by cassiacow@beehaw.org to c/diy@slrpnk.net


I'm planning to try to get into some solar-powered (or low-powered) DIY projects.

I have a mechanical engineering background so I'm not super worried about learning technical stuff but I live in an apartment and don't really have ready access to a workshop.

Does anyone have good projects they've found? Having some creativity issues more than anything else, I think...


Mine is Becky Chambers. I've just finished rereading all of her work, and it gave me the exact same feeling of hope I had the first time. Not groundbreaking, but soul-feeding.

[-] cassiacow@beehaw.org 7 points 1 week ago

That sounds... terrifying. I'm not sure I could even spectate.

[-] cassiacow@beehaw.org 5 points 1 week ago

That's rough... I always find death (in all forms) really heartbreaking to witness too. You had to do it, but that doesn't always make it easier.

[-] cassiacow@beehaw.org 6 points 1 week ago

I finished my honours thesis and I've honestly been feeling kind of... bad about it? Bit weird. Work's been super hectic too!

BUT I also booked flights to Canada to see my sister, which is really exciting so things are looking good.


joined 1 week ago