[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 21 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

True, but that assumes that the people filing copyright lawsuits know the law and are acting in good faith. And that the recipient does, too.

If I'm an artist living paycheck-to-paycheck and I get a copyright-related cease-and-desist, I probably won't have the money or time to fight it even if I know that it's wrong.

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

Edge has a feature that lets you install websites as PWAs, which appear in the Start Menu like any other app. I assume they plan to have people use Word Online that way.

Whether or not this will be set up automatically is a different (and more important) question. But if they don't do it automatically, it's something that would only need to be done once.

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 9 points 11 months ago

To an ignorant person, the greenhouse effect isn't simple. Not because the idea itself is complex, but because it implies we can and should do something about it.

And ignorant people would rather tell themselves it's not man-made because that would mean we can't fix it and, therefore, don't have to.

See Ian Danskin (if you haven't): https://youtu.be/dF98ii6r_gU

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago

Absolutely. When I was on Reddit, all the subreddits I joined were very niche: cities, fandoms, parody subs, and the like. The main reason I found them was because I could think of something and go "it's Reddit, there's a subreddit for anything".

That's pretty powerful when you're trying to build a community, since you can skip the "we exist" and "look here to find us" parts of the pitch and spend time and effort on the community itself instead.

Lemmy/KBin just doesn't have that appeal yet. Pretty much all the subs here, while by no means bad, are very "general-interest", and the interface to find them is clunky, especially if they aren't on your home server.

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago

If you shouldn't charge over 80%, why don't manufacturers just report a battery at 80% its "real" capacity as 100% charged? Same for the lower margins. It would probably make things easier for people to understand.

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

I remember when I was looking for a new laptop, I made a replaceable battery a requirement, since my previous laptop's battery (which wasn't replaceable) lost its charge very fast.

Out of the hundreds of laptops available today, I could only find two or three laptop models total with a replaceable battery. And none of them were in physical stores, so a less tech-minded person would never find them.

Interestingly, the replaceable battery also seems to be higher quality than the permanent battery was.

[-] catcarlson@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

Funnily enough, this would make my move to Lemmy/KBin easier.

I've been trying to compile a list of the subreddits I followed so I can find their Lemmy/KBin equivalents. But if a sub goes private (instead of read-only), it disappears from your subscribed list until it's re-opened.

And since I both subscribed to a ton of subs and had a terrible memory, I'm constantly worried that my list is incomplete.


joined 1 year ago