[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not so much for stocks, I mean like a better UI spreadsheet client that allows them to go to any period and see ledgers that are intuitively rendered and that lets them sort of experiment with the numbers so they can learn to maneuver things better. Like all their accounts, bills/recurring, paycheques, purchases. All rendered and projected or archived for easy traversal

Its like GTD: get everything out and externalized in an independant system or locus of reference and it takes most of the anxiety and human error out of it

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Isn't reddit more a pun on "Read-it" as in "I read it"?

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Gotta check that out. I really like the South Park Christmas album

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

This makes me sad for some reason. Like someone who left their baby to deal with pure silence for extended periods

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Always down for a good blow

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Again $6 billion is nothing, thats $120 million per 1/50 states, how much is even gonna go to each survivor or does the government annex it all basically, add it to the pork barrel to be distributed amongst their "tru$ted" partners/affiliates?

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Which is exactly why its not tenable. Why are they negotiating with terrorists? $6 billion is nothing, shave it off the defense budget.

Its way more important that these people are put away and serve as an example, like they do in China. Any small-time drug dealer seling Oxy would have been practically crucified even in the US compared to the Sacklers who were driving the entire addiction campaigns and mess, also the consulting firms. Why is civil forefeiture only a fear for the poors/rest of us. Forfeit now, they can litigate it out later from prison

There's endless fuckery happening and not so much findoutery. That desperately needs to change. I love that scene in Billions when the fraudster investor guy is begging his DA buddy to let him go, and he's like "I'm sorry, I can't. But I know you're gonna go away for a while and come out a new and better man ☺️". These people need way tougher love than that but you get the idea

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

...Is it really?

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Wouldn't it make sense for them to buy out a couple and still offer it outside of China as a honeypot? Westerners be like "China banned? Sign me up" and add it to their banned list?

Meanwhile China be like

"We know you not like ricecakes and logged VPN"


submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by cheese_greater@lemmy.world to c/shittyasklemmy@lemmy.ml

I think "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan would be great, like it immediately starts playing and they know the jig's up

In the arms of the angel, Fly away from here From this cold, dark, hotel room And the endlessness that you feel You were drawn from the wreakage Of your silent reverie You're in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort here


If I turn of wifi and remove cellular permission and also turn of cellular data, can apps track you still?

Wish there was a Wifi/Internet permission similar to Cellular where you had to explicitly permit apps to access the internet


Like, if you take away 4db "from treble", should that be distributed roughly amongst bass and mid or solely either if you want it to be heavy for that range?

Is it like an equation that benefits from balancing it out?


I associate red light with relaxation and sleep, I'm talking like photo development room red.

Its interesting because orthodox color theory/chromatherapy seems to consider red as excitatory and stimulating but I feel the exact opposite altho there's a heavy influence of the brightness or wavelength magnitude or something.

Blue is traditionally seen as calming but I associate it more with wakefullness and alert-ness.

Its weird cuz I would find it stressful if the world outside was rendered as red like Mars or Venus or whatever but ironically I have a conflicting intuition that it would make me tired more than anything else 🤷🏻‍♂️


How did you feel post-dunk?


I'd like to start a series seeking viewpoints from across the political spectrum in general discussions about modern society and where everyone stands on what is not working, what is working, and where we see things going in the future.

Please answer in good-faith and if you don't consider yourself conservative or "to the right", please reserve top-level discussion for those folks so it reaches the "right" folks haha.

Please don't downvote respectful content that is merely contrary to your political sensibillities, lets have actual discourse and learn more about each other and our respective viewpoints.

Will be doing other sides soon but lets start with this and see where it takes us.


Like if I want to create running functional programs that import stuff like AVFoundation and just don't have the UI/visual side to worry about, is there a way to do that and on iOS/iPhone cuz that's all I have rn?


Like if I want to create running functional programs that import stuff like AVFoundation and just don't have the UI/visual side to worry about, is there a way to do that and on iOS/iPhone cuz that's all I have rn?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by cheese_greater@lemmy.world to c/shittyasklemmy@lemmy.ml

Sugar, spice, and everything fierce

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by cheese_greater@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Super calming and warm

Does anyone else enjoy Drinking black tea/cofee in the dark or syrrounded by infrared/dark red light?


Something to do with her "Walk the Dog" letter?


It'd be cool to have an option where after you read an article and navigated back to the subreddit view, you could swipe forward and go back to the article you just swiped back from.

The need to do this for me is far greater than I am willing to admit beyond the implicit and inescapable inference this post demands lol

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