[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

Lol. No. It was the boss at the top of Shadow Keep.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 4 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

I've put left over baked pasta in tortillas before and ate it like a hungover savage. I'm OK with this picture. The only thing missing is a brick of cornbread.

Just a bunch of kids eating mushrooms and playing with fire.

That image is so emotionally appropriate.

I just don't see how this is so blatantly done. It should be a slam dunk in court. Churches don't pay taxes. Public schools are funded with taxes. Churches don't get to make the rules for public schools.

Let's flip it on it's head. I don't tithe to churches, but now all churches must serve pepperoni Eucharist and orange soda at service. Done. That's the rule, now, since it seems like anyone can just say some shit and it has to happen. Don't push me, or I'll make you fill the baptismal with lime jell-o.

It's like counting the seconds between the lightning and the thunder, you can hear the clangs of the breaking traffic lights and estimate how far away Jimbob is.

Yeah, I'm already past the curve so the nerf didn't do much to boost my power. I had already run some numbers when I was working out a build, and the difference in pre- and post- nerf was around 3%. The real secret to the DLC is to run around and explore. Getting fragments to boost yourself makes all of the fights much more tolerable. I was at 10 when I beat the aforementioned boss, and now I'm at 15, and it's getting pretty even with the base game. I think people just weren't expecting the fragments to be as important as they are.

I just beat one of the bosses that I've heard the most complaints about, and I did it on the 5th try using a non-dlc weapon. I went in fully prepared to throw a controller, but it really wasn't that bad. So far I'm really enjoying the DLC, and it's because it has been difficult yet rewarding.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 15 points 2 days ago

"I couldn't help but notice that bundle of grapes in your... oh for me? I couldn't... well, maybe just the one..."

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 27 points 2 days ago

I've blocked both of them, as well as the politicalmemes community and my Lemmy experience has gotten so much better.


Think about all of the things he has seen, all of the worlds he has explored, all of the green women he has slept with, and when he is faced with death, it shocks even him, to the extent that all he can say is, "Oh, my." I'm not sure how popular this scene is among the Star Trek Zeitgeist, but I imagine it's probably hated. I, however, love it. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong in the comments.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

I have a Steam Deck, and I love it. It can handle 90% of my library, and it's always improving.

I decided to try out a linux distro for my OS, because the biggest drawback has always been the hoops that I had to jump through to get games up and running. I went for Pop OS, since that seemed to be natively friendly with NVidia, and the lowest barrier for entry. However, in Steam, I see that there is a much more limited selection of games compatible with my system. Is there a way around that, to get the same selection as my Steam Deck? Or is it this way because the Steam Deck is a singular platform that is developed for based on specific architecture?


"It's time we grow up," says former moderator of jailbait subreddit.

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