[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Oil does help pasta not stick together. Ya just gotta ice shock the pasta THEN add a bit of olive oil and give it a toss. I think the misconception comes from adding oil to the water.

Source: 20 years in service industry. I wouldn't even want to know the tonnage of pasta I have served through the years....

E: the oil thing is for bulk pasta. I'm gonna cook off a couple pounds and portion them out for when I need exactly 6 or 10 ounces of pasta for a dish. Throw the portion in a pasta caulinder to quick heat it up and toss in whichever sauce/dish I have prepared.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

Own a house. I finally start making decent money and can save but it's nothing to what I would need for a mortgage. On top of that if I do finally bite I can't guarantee my income if I chnlange jobs which could be a thing. I just want to own and have a yard so I can get a dog. My shitty apparetment doesn't have space or commodities for it and rent keeps going up.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 18 points 4 months ago

Definitely no cameras or facial recognition software on this mirror.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 33 points 4 months ago

I cooked at a restaurant with a guy who had something similar happen a couple years before I started there. His nickname was angry johny because he was so irritable. Whenever tears in heaven by Clapton came on he would would yell at the manager to skip the song and dissappear into the walk in. He ended up quitting for other reasons but a year or two later I ran into him at a bar and he and the same lady had a healthy birth and all his anger melted away and he turned into a really rad dood. He even apologized to me about his behavior in said kitchen.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 14 points 5 months ago

Pretty sure the white stuff is antiperspirant while the blue is just deodorant. Most scents have both kinds and the label should say which is which. I don't sweat much myself so the antiperspirant def iritated me years ago when I bought the wrong kind.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 30 points 5 months ago

Millennial chiming in. Donated my car to the humane society a couple years ago. Thankfully I live close enough to walk to work, have plenty of amenities near by, and a bus line a block away when it runs. I've saved so much money about it. If I need a car for a couple of days I rent and it's still less than owning. Do not regret it at all.

Every now and then I think about buying a used car and the prices are absurd on top of all the maintenance, insurance, registration.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

FFS. As in, for fucks sake, we all know it's FFS?!

Edit: sorry, drunk after work and reread the question. FFS is my fav.

submitted 6 months ago by chowdertailz@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

I am an USA resident. Two years ago got rid of my car. Walk to work. My wife and I agreed when we first got together 8 years ago no children. Even if I wanted a car or a kid I wouldn't be able to afford it. If I ever was able and wanted I'd adopt. I know too many people who were in and how shitty the foster system is. My aunt was a Saint and did it and actually adopted some of her fosters but the horror stories I hear.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

Also meth. Probably lots of meth.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

As someone who is a bartender, almost any scene in a bar in any show or movie. I swear it gives people bad habits about how bars actually work.

[-] chowdertailz@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

Dark Souls. It was a game that had so many surprises just to fuck you over randomly. Random boulders, hidden enemies, boss mechanics, mimics, hidden gems. Played the hell out of it but the first time was like magic. 2, 3, bloodline, elden ring... I had expectations. Only played a couple hours of demons souls before I dove hard.

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