[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 1 points 5 months ago

Thanks! I like the green on my hydro flask so I'll continue to baby it, but really good to know.

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 6 points 6 months ago

@jarfil @alyaza i have said plenty of wild stuff and haven't been banned from any subs? None of it has been bigoted tho

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 3 points 6 months ago

@frog @MJBrune I don't think we need to ban development, I think we need to resume focus on optimization so that things like a chat app don't take up 1+ GB of RAM for example. If the operating system can still fit in old hardware's specs, then unless someone is trying to do a task that is demanding for the currently available hardware (and it sounds like 15yo graphics card ain't in that demographic) then it should largely be a case of update operating system, grab new versions of programs, and be about your day.

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 2 points 1 year ago

@liaizon @technology I wasn't big on twitter, but when Mastodon got popular in the wake of the twitter migration I saw an opportunity to capture back some of the joy in connecting with others that I felt had been kind of robbed over the years. Have been quite enjoying running a mastodon instance and now that lemmy and kbin are getting popular I want to keep things going!

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 1 points 1 year ago

@eric5949 @shortwavesurfer

Does this response also do that? I don't generally see markup on my comments when I click through to beehaw but maybe it shows up for some users and not others?

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 5 points 1 year ago

@hedge It's really telling that having an API that allows controlled access to the car's state is equivalent to "no security" when uh.... that's how the rest of the world works.

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 2 points 1 year ago

@jmp242 @hedge I find that the users prefer textual search results the better training they get at searching. When things are being surfaced *for* them, they don't build the skills needed to evaluate search results and refine terms.

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 9 points 1 year ago

@soiling @BendyLemmy the quality of answers is low, you're not missing out

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 17 points 1 year ago

@Mewio @talos This, and
- do not show me ads for praegeru / hey you're queer, you should stop being queer

which was absolutely a thing that was happening to me before I was blocking ads on yt

[-] circuitsunfish@plesiosaur.net 2 points 1 year ago

@HawkMan @manitcor
And yet, here I am, a mastodon user federating with your lemmy comment. 😜

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