[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 17 points 23 hours ago

Because the alternative is a brossiere.

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

Maybe KJU sees this as a way not to have to use NK's limited food on the soldiers? We know they get more/better food than the regular populace to help prevent coups.

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 days ago

Hey, we've all been there.

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 4 points 3 days ago

You sound like us. We have a few weeks blocked off but no plans yet.

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 15 points 3 days ago

No, No. You don't understand. They are great drivers, an accident won't happen to THEM!

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 5 points 3 days ago

OK, this is pretty good.

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 5 points 3 days ago

My new bestie right here.


We're last minute people, maybe a week in advance without air travel, a month with. A family friend just invited us to join them on a vacation NOVEMBER 2025. That seems bonkers to me!

How far in advance do you plan a small trip like a road trip or visiting family, and how far in advance for a big trip like international travel, a cruise, or Disney?

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 22 points 4 days ago


Very cool. Seems like a good idea for the terrain. $1 million each makes it a hard sell vs 13 patrol boats. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrol_Boat,_River

[-] clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works 11 points 4 days ago

Here's a great podcast episode about the design competition and fraught construction of the Sydney Opera House. https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/cautionary-tales/a-chorus-of-contempt-at-the-sydney-opera-house

It has also been featured in Star Trek as a hat.

My child intensifies



My local library summer reading challenge has a few items with which I could use y'all's help.

Read a book with a musical theme.

Read a book outside your comfort zone (I read mostly novels, and mostly sci-fi).

Read a book by an author from a different cultural background. (I'm a white American and I've already read Three Body Problem)

Read a book suggested to you.

I would appreciate any suggestions!


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Hello ladies (current and former) of Lemmy (current) - I'm curious how your experience of the male gaze has changed as you moved in and out of young-woman-hood.

How has your opinion of being seen changed through this process?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works to c/battletech@lemmy.world

Well, really to Tabletop Wargaming generally. I brought the Beginner Box Set 35020 with some printed record sheets from flechssheets because I'm not brave enough to write on the cards it comes with. We grabbed extra minis from our D&D piles.

We played GRF-1N (PPC,LRM10) and WLV-6M (LL, 2ML) Versus GRF-1S (LL, 2ML, LRM5) and WLV-6R (AC5, SRM6, ML)

They agreed that criticals and physical attacks sounded fun, so we added those rules. No heat, though they thought it would be a fun addition for next time. We played on one included map sheet with some trees but no elevation.

They were frustrated by how often they missed, and how slim the to-hit usually was. (Aiming for 10+ most of the time. Once they got better at managing their movement, the game got more fun. I jumped around a bit and told them anecdotes from past games and lore tidbits. Once we got to start rolling clusters and criticals they got into it, trying to get side and rear facing shots.

It was fun, and they are willing to play again, but they were dismayedthat it took three hours. Maybe I should finally learn to play Alpha Strike. I have the book but not the box set yet.


My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit to the store they had added their pronouns (they) to their name tag. I would feel bad if their interaction with me was something they will remember when feeling down. This particular person has a fairly androgynous haircut/look and wears a store uniform, so there's no gender clue there.

I am thinking I need to just stop saying "sir" and "ma'am" altogether, but I like the politeness and I don't know how I would replace it in a gender-neutral way. Is there anything better than just dropping it entirely?

For background I'm a millennial and more than happy to use people's correct pronouns if I know them!


Anyone here ever been to a Yuri's night party or hosted their own?

Yuri's Night celebrates Yuri Gagarin being the first human in space on April 12th, 1961.


Jerry Gretzinger has been drawing and updating this map one panel at a time based on random card draws. Over the decades his style and art interests have changed and that's reflected in the map.

I bought a few panels and I love them. I've been aware of the project for years and years. I would love to see it in an exhibition somewhere.


At the ends of episodes~209 and 210 there is a side story about a guy minting coins. He got bamboozled by his copper supplier Nasir!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by clay_pidgin@sh.itjust.works to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Less Than three should make a heart emoji.


Let's try some more:

Less Than <

Greater than >

Less or equal ≤

Greater or equal ≥

Open bracket [

Closed bracket ]

Open brace {

Closed brace }

Forward slash /

Back slash \

There might be more, but I haven't found them yet.

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago