
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago

K2 is an incredibly dangerous mountain. The possibility of a rescue attempt would depend on many factors that we have no way to know. In these sorts of situations even other climbers nearby might have a complete different opinion. In many cases like this people are often not thinking correctly believing they saw something that wasn't even there or just completely misperceived due to attitude or exhaustion or illness.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

70%/30% victory last I looked which is absolutely massive and a crushing defeat of this GOP cynical attempt to repress the will of the people.

Not long ago I think many people felt certain rights were theirs forever and never going to be lost and so there was no reason to fight. Watching what happens when a supreme court made up of people who promised congress that they would repost precedent and that Roe was settled law turn out to be corrupt liars and religious nuts with no underlying principles except those that support what they want at the moment was an extreme wake-up call. At least I hope so.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Technically they crave electrolytes

[–] 5 points 1 year ago


Now that's a great idea. I've been using NextDNS which works quite well and I stay in its free usage cap, but still being self-reliant is better. I'll check that one out.

[–] 34 points 1 year ago

I work with a small nonprofit that years ago was donated Photoshop. Over the years as upgrades happened, the org received new donations in one way or another to keep it current enough that it was still helpful. Even with a legit corporate donation of the software the license for it was a pain to deal with. At one point when it needed to be reinstalled it was no longer possible and I told the org to just forget about it. Last time I talked with Adobe to try to get it working, which they refused to do, I ended up telling them I would never use an Adobe product willingly again. I personally learned Gimp at that point and while I only use it from time to time it does the job and as you say, it is always there, always works, has plenty of online help and does anything that I need it to do.

Just like beingoff corporate social media, I try to use FOSS as much as is reasonable because while it may have rougher edges at times, it can actually be more reliable. I manage some servers as part of my job and over the years the licensed stuff, Windows server, Exchange, VMWare at some point will bite you back with a dead end or major costs where as Debian...

[–] 40 points 1 year ago

Yes, it is definitely impossible to create a system that confirms a user's selection. It is also impossible to make it so you can resume the subscription if accidentally canceled... or maybe, just maybe there is another reason why they want it the way it is.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Maybe in some cases for some things but overall I would say no In my experience. I've been to India 5+ times and spent a lot of time with locals. The healthcare situation for many in general is really bad. As my friend said to me, "If we get something serious there is no hospital for us, it's direct to graveyard." They get sick, they suffer, they are not superhuman immune-wise at all. The better I got to know one particular group the more I discovered that most if not all of them had an untreated medical situation that they just lived with "I have some problems in my body." This was 10 and longer years ago so perhaps things are a bit better for some in some areas now.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Crawl issues I am sure but also user experience issues. Google is sensitive to sending visitors to sites where metrics indicate users do not, like bounce rates etc. I don't use twt but if it is the case you have the be logged in to see anything now, a non-logged in user will click a link from Google hit a login page, and use the back button. I would assume Google will see that as a bad search result and use it less.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Surprise Rs have no principles.

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