[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah, this is simply how federating works, but the user experience of seeing the same thread across multiple subs, across multiple instances, does not make for a great user experience.

The other troublesome thing is that I feel like I'm spending an increasing amount of time every visit blocking little unwanted one-off communities. It was also a challenge on Reddit too, but here you've got the additional complication of each instance spinning up its own multiverse of madness.

[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Are you really certain that Google is trying to eliminate adblocking is just an alarmist assumption?

[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think the issue is that Google has both A) a track record of backdooring restrictions on adblocking, and B) an overwhelming motivation to do so seeing as how they generate their revenue from online advertising. They've forfeited the benefit of the doubt, especially when they've already disclosed that the whole point of the change is to enhance the profitability of online advertising:

Google's engineers elaborate, "Websites funded by ads require proof that their users are human and not bots...Social websites need to differentiate between real user engagement and fake engagement"

So given that once implemented, this hop and this skip would just require a teensy jump in order to further restrict adblocking, it is reasonable to assume that's within their desired goals.

[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

I like the look and feel of Jerboa, but it has a bug on my device where I'll be typing and it'll just jump to middle of the post and start deleting/overwriting stuff.

I like how Liftoff can provide a unified All feed with content from all instances, but the feed just looks so noisy and icon-heavy

Connect seems the most well-rounded and the closest to a Relay for Reddit replacement, so I've been mainly gravitating toward that.

Thunder just didn't hit with me for whatever reason.

[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Yes, and after such valuable discussion on Twitter such as "How much do Jews control the world: completely or just excessively?", a little vapid inanery with a side of brands doesn't sound so bad.

[-] crowsby@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I believe that's a bit of a misleading meme that's making the rounds. You can deactivate it, which is functionally the same, and they haven't yet rolled out the feature to delete it because they rushed this thing to market to take advantage of Twitter's dumpster fire.

I also might be slow here, but I struggle to understand why this is a big deal. There are countless reasons why I would have reservations with Meta, but aww shit I can only deactivate not delete the Threads account associated with my source Instagram account seems like a weirdly esoteric hill to die on.

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