
joined 4 years ago

fucking ugly crying, that was so good but my heart :angery:

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (6 children)

so why didn't you ask the community? why does the admin team keep making massive decisions that everyone disagrees with and then scolding us after the inevitable backlash? it's actually infuriating

[–] 1 points 3 years ago (11 children)

i just dont understand what the point of this was. inviting /r/vegan over would be fine, but why invite a community that's out and proud of being toxic and shitty to people? like geez, who'd have thought that a subreddit known for shitting up other subreddits would immediately start shitting up this site once invited.

now the actual users of this site all feel pissed off and alienated, mods and admins exhausted to the point where like 3 are quitting and all we got out of it is a bunch of mean reddit weirdos

maybe in the future you could actually ask the fucking community what they think of inviting in new people, instead of making the decision for us and scolding us like usual

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

joined 14 minutes ago

ah yes im sure you're commenting in good faith

[–] 1 points 3 years ago (1 children)

would be pretty funny though


[–] 1 points 3 years ago

i would just like to see someone other than usain bolt at this point


you will never have a fair competition because all people are born different - people have differing testosterone levels, differing body builds, differing muscles mass, etc. most competitive sports are plagued with doping because hard work only takes you so far before your body hits its limit.

just let the olympics and shit be a showcase and celebration of what humans can accomplish, fuck it make doping legal as well, i wanna see how wild humans can get


ASMR is the revolution


see transphobia irl - seek refuge online

see transphobia online - seek refuge in leftist communities

see transphobia in leftist communities (stupidpol, "LGBT is bourgeoise decadency" MLs, etc) - cry myself to sleep

why are drugs so expensive

[–] 1 points 4 years ago* (last edited 4 years ago)

the teachings of christianity are fucking great - don't hoard wealth, don't judge your neighbours and love them, give money and food to the poor, etc. jesus was unironically a socialist

problem is that most christians don't actually follow those teachings