[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

I agree with your entire comment except the end.

I'm not sure the US has the greatest track record when it comes to those sorts of occupational wars, realistically. I think the only times we've ever really seen it turn out well is maybe in vietnam, where we actively just like, lost the entire war and got sent packing, and they're still having to deal with the ongoing problem of their country being contaminated by chemical incendiary weapons that produce larger percentages of birth defects. So, even given that Saudi Arabia is kind of a theocratic monarchic shithole, I dunno if us overthrowing it would realistically do any good, you know? I dunno. I'd probably need to see more on the numbers of dissent amount the saudi population. I think probably capitalizing on a popular movement for regime change, much like the arab spring, would probably be the best route if that was possible, and it would probably have to be more grassroots than something that the US might intentionally attempt to foment in the population, I'd imagine.

In totality though I'm not really sure to what extent it's in the US's best interest to destabilize saudi arabia. I think the US would probably prefer predictable fascists compared to, say, if they decided to rapidly nationalize and democratize their oil supply. Another, relatively understated, good reason to move away from petroleum, I would say.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 31 points 1 month ago

Damn we're just posting boomer comics now huh

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

Will these exercises work on the butthole as well? asking for a friend asking for a friend

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 23 points 2 months ago

Okay guys be honest for a second with me here do you think his hair transplant was like the single most effective thing he's done for his own public image? I think it might be. If you look at the before and after pictures that motherfucker is super bald at a young age, but just deluded enough to not have shaven his head. If you look at him now and sort of at his height in public good will with teslas and what have you, bang, full head of hair. Did it give him more confidence to spiral from a minor silicon valley douche into a full turbodouche? Or did it just masquerade the true baldness of the soul with which he is plagued? I dunno. Nobody holds any good sentiments about jeff bezos, and that man looks like a shorter lex luthor. I mean everyone also things zuck is a lizard man or a robot or whatever, and he has hair I guess, but I dunno.

Am I reading too much into his former baldness?

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 25 points 2 months ago

IS veganism the real solution here, or is the real solution the all-artificial, all-synthetic diet? Me personally, I'm going to down this jug of red 40, and then I think I'll get back to you

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

Human respect should be given, respect of an authority, I think, should be earned.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

Every time it comes up I must lament the switch to screens too tall to watch content, the decision to remove wired 3.5mm jacks in order to drive sales of wireless headphones, the switch to increasingly fewer physical buttons. No more IR blaster.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 35 points 2 months ago

It's basically just because he's like, a moronic ape. He is able to kind of, wear the aesthetics of your everyday college dorm bro, who thinks the dark knight is the greatest movie ever made. Or at least, wear the aesthetics of their middling 30 year old, balding, divorced versions, because that movie came out in like 2008, or whatever. You can basically put him in any context, and he's able to function as the same idiot self-insert character. He's the vessel through which they can imagine themselves talking to famous celebrities, academics, comedians, and right wing conspiracy nuts.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I wanted to get like, a weighted jacket, so I could take it off and throw it on the ground and have it make a thud, like I'm piccolo, or rock lee, right, and maybe get jacked at the same time, but apparently it costs like 200 bucks for one. So that sucks.

Edit: Also, none of them taper at the waist, which I feel like would be a good idea since that would more evenly distribute the weight on your hips instead of just on your shoulders.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 24 points 6 months ago

This guy got that ohio skibidi rizz.

You know it's interesting how in touch I am considering how out of touch I am. I want to be a part of the cultural zeitgeist so I can get jokes, and talk to people, and generally be alive and understand what's going on in the world, but at the same time it's truly exhausting. I dunno, I think as I've understood how much "the culture" is just pioneered by like, some 12 year old somewhere brainlessly chaining nonsense words together, the more I find myself wanting to disengage. See, and then, that's not even real, because "the culture" no longer exists. You get viral memes that are spewed forth on their ability to masquerade as "the culture" without actually being it. I'm sure some stupid kid somewhere talks like they're a terminally online brainrotted weirdo, and that kid should probably stop being on the internet, but to say that this stupid kid is "the culture", is false. This isn't the case.

Everyone just collectively hallucinates some fake thing in their head that they can be mad or find funny or both. There is no "culture" anymore. There's just a bunch of atomized communities who independently do whatever they do, and then somehow everyone has cultural osmosis knowledge of a mr beast video because they know someone who knows someone who watches it and they have to have an opinion on everything. I want the ride to stop, I want to get off! I want the ride to stop now! I would like to go back to rage comics please!

[-] daltotron@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

I think generally you will find that people of this opinion hold that it is unreasonable that we have privatized basically all of the internet infrastructure. These people tend to be in favor of expecting the consumer spends more on hardware for hosting, and enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-profits, and occasionally companies develop the software necessary to make the internet function, rather than companies just paying for tons and tons of warehouses of servers, and then just forcing the software to all become fucked up walled gardens while the actual utilities everyone rests upon is left to rot.

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