[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 121 points 3 months ago

falling behind? QUICK, everyone waste two hours of every day commuting to the fucking office so people can endlessly distract you from making it!

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 77 points 4 months ago

the reaction stops and there's no fissile material anywhere.

this is the whole point of fusion. they didn't have fusion at Chernobyl.

we don't think you're some sage for knowing AI can hallucinate, and this isn't a large language model so hallucinations aren't even remotely relevant. much like Chernobyl.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 71 points 4 months ago

yeah I've really noticed it's hard to find info and therefore use any project that does this.

and it must suck because anyone new, instead of finding the answer to their question in a forum archive from when it was first asked, has to log in and ask it again.

whenever I have dumb noob questions on setup and I see a discord link I give up a little.

submitted 4 months ago by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/world@lemmy.world

As an Australian, no we didn't. We just had it put in context. Jews around the world are great people, the Israeli government and the hardline supporters are absolute monsters. I hope the Australian government tells them as much. Israel deserves no support and everything that may happen when it's withdrawn.

Yemen (aussie.zone)
submitted 5 months ago by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 81 points 5 months ago

I'm mad at Nintendo, apparently that's who valve is afraid of getting sued by!

still, I think while a lot of people loved watching this get built I'd be surprised if a lot of people actually played it and he said he was almost relieved - he got an amazing amount accomplished but another 2 years of work is a lot!

I'm super interested to see what he does next. Smart guy and his videos are really interesting, and a lot of people know who he is now.

What to use now? (aussie.zone)

Well, chat.openai.com is down today. I've been using it quite a bit recently, mainly to ask questions about physics and history but also for some low level work help - it's great for fire-once functions I can easily describe.

I don't really want to use microsoft's - the privacy policy and forced "free" feature make it seem dubious. I'd rather pay and have limited control over the data.

Are there any other options of a similar quality?


The one I linked might be a good one, I think I've used it but I'm on holidays so I can't check.

The real wisdom here is, where possible, implement a basic configuration class and serialise it out to a file using a library, then only tweak it.

In your class you can have everything strongly typed and assigned and so forth and all the joy of a good IDE helping you along, then you can use the tiniest console app to just serialise it to a file for you and the syntax is guaranteed to be perfect because it's a tested library.

You don't even really have to learn yaml and it'll be perfect. If you need to tweak it it'll still be pretty easy because all the values and structure will make it clear what's happening.

Obviously less useful for people who aren't devs, but we are so we might as well play on easy.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 149 points 7 months ago

Eliyahu also voices his objection during the interview to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid,”

you are the Nazis at this point mate.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 93 points 8 months ago

back in the 90s I was in a very famous teeeeveeeee showww

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I've always hated the idea of using a subscription/cloud hosting for password management. I feel like I should have a LOT more control over that stuff and I don't really want to hand all my keys over to a company.

All my secrets have been going in a highly encrypted archive with a long passphrase, but obviously that isn't convenient on all devices. It's been fine, I can open it on any computer but it's not super quick. It does have the advantage of being able to put in multiple files, notes, private keys but it's not ideal.

Anyway, finally found something that isn't subscription, and has a similar philosophy - a highly encrypted archive file, and it's open source and has heaps of clients including web browser plugins so it's usable anywhere, and you can sync the vault with any file sync you like.

Thought you guys might appreciate the find, password managers have always been a bit of a catch 22 for me.

Note for android i found keepassxc the best app, and i'm using KeePassHelper browser plugin, and the KeePassXc desktop app as well as the free official one. Apps all seem to be cross platform.

ja rule (aussie.zone)
[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 64 points 9 months ago

While it's odd to have your recent ex-husband come to your defense for getting handsy in public, Jayson Boebert is something of an expert in this realm, having once been arrested for exposing himself to a teenager at a bowling alley.

The ~~Aristocats~~ Conservatives!

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 61 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

they did good

edit: tbh honest i think it was around 5 years ago i started being able to identify things with google lens on my phone. they worked fast!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/programming@programming.dev

We can get a computer to tag the birds, answer questions about them, and generate new pictures of them.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 62 points 9 months ago

vanilla javascript? what are you, fucking Amish?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/til@lemmy.world

After his first game venture failed, Peter Molyneux started a baked bean export business. Commodore International mistakenly offered him ten free Amiga systems because they confused the baked bean company's name "Taurus" with a software company "Torus", and he used the hardware to create a database system for the Amiga, which was successful.

Which is just such a weird story.

Full text of the paragraph:

Due to the game's failure, Molyneux retreated from game design, and started Taurus Impex Limited—a company that exported baked beans to the Middle East—with his business partner Les Edgar.[5][6] Commodore International mistook it for Torus, a more established company that produced networking software, and offered to provide Molyneux with ten[5] free Amiga systems to help in porting "his" networking software.[2][7] Molyneux later said "it suddenly dawned on me that this guy didn't know who we were. I suddenly had this crisis of conscience. I thought, 'If this guy finds out, there go my free computers down the drain.' So I just shook his hand and ran out of that office."[2] Taurus designed a database system for the Amiga called Acquisition – The Ultimate Database for The Amiga[5] and, after clearing up the misunderstanding with Commodore, released the program to moderate success.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 55 points 9 months ago

how do I set my version to European

Oh yay new features (aussie.zone)
submitted 10 months ago by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Just out of curiosity. I have no moral stance on it, if a tool works for you I'm definitely not judging anyone for using it. Do whatever you can to get your work done!


I didn't find this anywhere convenient when I was troubleshooting so I thought I'd post this here.

We have some large projects with a lot of dependency injection, and it was taking up to a minute to start a local dev API. After a lot of troubleshooting we found it was the dependency injection validation, which is optional and disabled in production - you can turn it off using:

webBuilder.UseDefaultServiceProvider(o =>
  o.ValidateScopes = true;
  o.ValidateOnBuild = false;

in the ConfigureWebHostDefaults() section, before the webBuilder.UseStartup() call. (I'm pretty sure this is the default template but it's been a while since I set it up..)

Saves around 50 seconds when waiting for a local API to start - obviously you don't get nice messages if you've created an issue with your dependencies so be aware of that.

I'd probably also explicitly disable ValidateScopes when it's not a dev environment but that has a lower performance impact.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 62 points 10 months ago

at that price you could afford the reddit api.. not that i'd want to

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by dbilitated@aussie.zone to c/science@lemmy.world

xpost from https://lemmy.world/post/2494271

Researchers have discovered a new compound called LK-99 that could enable the fabrication of room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductors. Two separate sources have provided very preliminary confirmations of this breakthrough, including a simulation indicating it could be possible and a short video from Chinese researchers that seems to indicate some properties of superconductivity.

[-] dbilitated@aussie.zone 57 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

wait, really? other people have confirmed this might be real? I'm not sure i'm ready for that.. i don't dare hope, you know?

but also, if another unrelated team has demonstrated room-temp Meissner effect, that means this might be true, right?

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