[-] debounced@kbin.run 22 points 1 week ago

kbin.run admin here, i'm curious if this cert problem is still happening as i recently loosened up some of my super strict bot killing mechanisms... give it a shot again and DM me if it still doesn't work so i can try to figure out what's going on.

as for the name... yea, i should have named it something different. at the time, kbin was the only horse in town and the intent was to help alleviate some traffic from .social before the foundation took over to run it on their cluster... then things fell apart. unfortunately, i can't rehome it to a new domain because it will break federation of all existing content, accounts, etc.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 15 points 3 months ago

i'm almost certain there's a hentai like this

[-] debounced@kbin.run 19 points 4 months ago

Haven't looked up the station's license to see how much power they could have been pushing, but if I were the "authorities", I'd definely be checking local hospitals for records of anyone coming in with mild to severe [RF] burns. With [low frequency] AM stations, the tower itself is basically the other half of the antenna electrically... probably lit them up like a Christmas tree.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 24 points 7 months ago

The Fly... fuck.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 18 points 8 months ago

some of us have moved over to mbin, it's a fork of kbin with an emphasis on community driven development. i've already migrated kbin.run over. ActivityPub is very domain name specific once things federate out, so i'm sticking with kbin in the domain...for now.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 14 points 9 months ago

100%. and therein lies the beauty of open source: if someone thinks they can do a better job, then fork it and move on.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 23 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Linux 6.6.6 LTS (Lucifer's Terminal Sacrifice)

[-] debounced@kbin.run 49 points 10 months ago

ILS :-)

But you have to trust the instruments and not become disoriented, takes lots of training and practice.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 33 points 10 months ago

Don't let it fool you, they'll make exceptions to the rule for the ones they want to keep. This is just a way to make their "worst" performers miserable so they quit instead of laying them off. All the ~~shit~~ tech companies are doing it.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 16 points 11 months ago

Edgar, your skin is hanging off your bones.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 32 points 11 months ago

and from what i remember, staying true to typical google fashion, they fucked it up by not opening up the "beta" when they had a critical mass forming behind it. then only to force everyone into having a profile a year or whatever later. lol, too late. i think most of us understood that anything associated with google is assumed to be a never-ending "beta", so no idea what they were thinking or waiting for.

[-] debounced@kbin.run 17 points 1 year ago

they want that sweet IPO pump and dump. when he sells, you'll know it's time to short the shit out of it. and that's if it even happens at this rate, fidelity might up and say fuck you and cut them again, who knows.

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