
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 50 minutes ago

"I know you're sick of it, but I'm gonna need you to get the chicken Parm again. Trust the process!"

[–] 0 points 1 hour ago

It's a bit of a chicken and the egg situation, I suppose, both encouraging and empowered by antisocial behavior. It's hard enough to convince someone there's a problem to begin with given the culture.

I do wonder how any transition could be made under an inherently opposed system, but that's also a key point of Marx with respect to revolution.

[–] 3 points 1 hour ago

Unrelated, but I'm forever stuck trying to choose between a professional GitHub name and something like GermanBread.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago

At first I chuckled at the melon baller bit, but now I'm intrigued. Very carefully is all I can think of lol

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

But babe, we have to go out tonight. It's for science!

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

The Prima guide can't even help you here

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

"Ah, oh no, BOO HOO"

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Sure it's clickbait, but it's not inherently wrong. Some mental illness, not all. At the very least we should consider such greed and ruthlessness as unwell. If anything it's sympathetic and humanizing to a very unaccountable section of society.

[–] 3 points 2 hours ago

Reminds me of the firetrucks coming to my elementary to show the kids and teach fire safety but....different

[–] 18 points 2 hours ago

Well obviously the robots would be good instead of evil that way

[–] 8 points 2 hours ago

Plot twist, Marx and Lenin are men. And she really put together that sick outfit without a word??

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

They don't, like, just come off?


I've tried just about every type of setup I can find for a nix shell with python.

I don't want to purely use nixpkgs for a lack of some packages and broken packages. I'm trying to use pyside6, but not everything in pyside6 is provided by the package, e.g. tools like uic.

Attempting to use a venv as normal leads to a disconnect between the env and system with unable to be found. There are a various different flakes I've tried to use like the-nix-way/dev-templates#python and others from forum discussions which add to no avail.

I think the farthest I've gotten is with poetry/poetry2nix, where auto-patchelf warns about missing libQt6 libraries. Running with nix run fails to 'find all the required dependencies' even when adding qt6.qtbase or qt6.full to the packages. This is that flake, taken from the poetry2nix github with an added devshell:

  description = "Python application packaged using poetry2nix";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    poetry2nix.url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, poetry2nix }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";  # Adjust for your system
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      inherit (poetry2nix.lib.mkPoetry2Nix { inherit pkgs; }) mkPoetryApplication;
    in {
      packages.${system}.default = mkPoetryApplication {
        projectDir = ./.;

      apps.${system}.default = {
        type = "app";
        program = "${self.packages.${system}.default}/bin/app";

      devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [ pkgs.poetry ];
        buildInputs = [ pkgs.qt6.qtbase pkgs.qt6.full pkgs.qt6.wrapQtAppsHook ];

It seems kind of hopeless to get it working on NixOS. Does anyone have a working setup I could use for inspiration, or any other tips? I love the nix paradigm, but I'm honestly considering distrohopping with all of the trouble.


I'm on NixOS and slowly working through neovim config.

I have treesitter installed with all grammars and it's set up in lua. When I run :TSymbols, it pops open a window showing -----treesitter-----, but no symbols are shown from the (python) code I have open.

All of the setup is put in place by the config flake I'm using, but I don't think there's any additional stuff to add for symbols to work. The treesitter section in the resulting init.lua from nix looks like this:

      ["context_commentstring"] = { ["enable"] = false },
      ["highlight"] = { ["enable"] = true },
      ["incremental_selection"] = {
        ["enable"] = false,
        ["keymaps"] = {
          ["init_selection"] = "gnn",
          ["node_decremental"] = "grm",
          ["node_incremental"] = "grn",
          ["scope_incremental"] = "grc"
      ["indent"] = { ["enable"] = false },
      ["refactor"] = {
        ["highlight_current_scope"] = { ["enable"] = false },
        ["highlight_definitions"] = {
          ["clear_on_cursor_move"] = true,
          ["enable"] = false
        ["navigation"] = {
          ["enable"] = false,
          ["keymaps"] = {
            ["goto_definition"] = "gnd",
            ["goto_next_usage"] = "<a-*>",
            ["goto_previous_usage"] = "<a-#>",
            ["list_definitions"] = "gnD",
            ["list_definitions_toc"] = "gO"
        ["smart_rename"] = {
          ["enable"] = false,
          ["keymaps"] = { ["smart_rename"] = "grr" }
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I'm getting back into my setup after dualbooting and not touching it for a while. Flakes, home-manager, all that jazz. I was in the middle of messing around with my neovim config, bouncing between nixvim and nixneovim. Can't really remember why I was landing on nixneovim, but I think it had to do with having more 1-to-1 vim options through nix and more available plugins.

Part of this post is just to see what everyone's using, but I also can't copy to the system clipboard for the life of me! No ctrl-shift-v or anything. Oddly enough, ctrl-click-drag will copy a cut-off box of text. In nixneovim there's an option for clipboard, but that's just a string like 'unnamed' or 'unnamedplus', straight from the vim options. Nixvim has the option abstracted in a way that has the register and a provider for the functionality like wl-copy. I don't remember it not working with nixneovim before. That was months ago, though. Hoping someone would have an insight as I've been too deep in the weeds.

Edit: sooooo I just needed xclip in home.packages. I had tried installing it in a nix shell, but maybe that wasn't the right way to test. Doesn't seem to work with wl-clipboard, but I think neovim looks for xclip by default and nixneovim doesn't seem to have a way to give a different provider.

But still, how's everyone doing their neovim shenanigans?

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