
joined 11 months ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Scandalous how much more it costs to sit down and eat inside.

Like I’m being punished for not wanting to sit in the office and converse with my colleagues.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago (3 children)

This comment is quite offensive. You must be French.

I never said that and I never insulted you in the first comment. I used the word hopium which is pretty common word to use these days.

For what it’s worth I apologise if you misinterpreted my initial comment and you feel offended as that wasn’t my intention.

Anyway have a great rest of your day and let’s draw a line under this.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

My first comment wasn’t rude, but I’ll concede that my second one was because you incorrectly assumed I was calling out something about your psychology.

As for the information you provided, nothing in there hinted at Google failing as a company and more just highlighting some of the failings of recent times.

[–] 21 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Like Reddit dying after the API incident?

Just like Reddit, Google are going nowhere; sadly.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago (7 children)

Can’t I just say I forgot my pin? They can’t prove I don’t have a shit memory.

Nah you just have to google how to do everything as it doesn’t teach you how to play.

It’s an amazing game though and the possibilities are endless and people make some crazy things. Like a functioning computer inside Minecraft, a neural network inside Minecraft, or just crazy creative builds.

Blackrock get the voting rights for the shares they hold for funds though and always go with the status quo.


So, I’ve really started to make some large changes to my life after many years of being a degenerate and all my money going on smoking weed and doing other drugs with friends etc.

It all started when I got diagnosed with ADHD, got medicated, since stopped as the cons were worse than the pros now I’m on a good track, re-trained as a software developer and have been in my first role a year and I’m late 30’s now.

Weed was the last thing to quit and it’s been almost a month and I’m finally able to do all the things I could never afford. Bought a nice watch and booked a session for a sleeve tattoo I’ve always wanted.

I still need something to focus on to keep me happy and I love being out in nature and just milling about, but I’m a city kid, north UK, so really don’t know anything about surviving outside; but I want to go out for weekends and see the stars and just explore and be self sufficient.

It all just seems so overwhelming and I have no clue where to start. I’ve been watching YouTube videos and still it seems so overwhelming. My plan is to start purchasing everything you would need with a view to start from April next year but I honestly don’t know where to begin. What do I buy, which tents should I be looking at, how do I learn about water supplies I can drink from, what about cooking; can I make bacon and eggs for instance, what sleeping bags, cookers, backpacks, shoes, etc.

The list goes on and on and I guess I’m just looking for good resources to consume over the next 10 months to make sure I can go out and be safe, considerate, and not a burden on anybody else.

Thanks for any tips you can provide.

Edit: I have a lot of comments here to reply to, but I’m pretty sleepy right now so will reply to you all tomorrow. Thanks.


Should we stop supporting them with our eyes for taking sponsorships from shady companies?

Edit: I took my first step and unsubscribed from the channel and I will continue to withhold my viewership to those that don’t take better care of the viewers.

Likely doesn’t matter, but I’m on a roll of not giving my money to companies that are immoral so why not do the same with my eyes.


If so, then why?


As an example. I grew up in hip-hop but at a certain point I stopped listening to new people and realised recently that I’d slept on some bangers. Like Kendrick particularly, but even people like Juice WRLD and Xxxtentacion.

The same for the Kendrick and Drake (the nonce) beef which has given some rabbit holes to go down.

So I’m wondering what I can do to keep in the loop with my younger brothers and sisters?

Is it something as simple as watching trending videos on YouTube (somtheing I’ve never done) or are there people to follow etc. I don’t like Twitter though so hopefully it’s not that.

Edit: Man I got so many replies. You guys are awesome. I am going to work my way through them all today, but I’m hella tired and off to work so may take a while. I will reply to you all.

Edit part deux: God damn I think I got all the replies.


So I’m a bit of a degenerate but making better choices lately and sort of getting things on track.

My friend had some health issues and had to stop working, my other friend now does all the labour, and he just runs the business.

He then split with his partner who he has children, as frankly he would never be at home and it was always going to happen.

I just found out the health condition has gotten worse and he will have to lose a leg. He never improved his diet, kept hitting the coke hard and gambling. So recently he has gambled away £35,000 and had a breakdown with another friend.

How do I even be there for him and keep him on a good path, providing he is open to change.


My question is once this procedure has been completed and say the person really got into some heavy cardio and thus were burning a lot of fat would the body be able to burn the fat that was moved to the buttocks or does it not have the associated blood vessels to enable this?

I’m not even sure if that’s how lipids are metabolised, but I assume it’s through the blood.


As an extra one, what would happen if one in every 10 atoms was to vanish from existence.


I added links to three images in a comment and it only renders one, has an infinite scroll of black, and crashes the app.

I can submit on GitHub if preferred.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

As the title says, I am wondering if people are able to separate the art from the antics of the artist.

The reason I ask, is I wrote Kanye West off many years ago, that and me drifting away from Hip-Hop for a minute means I never heard MBDTF.

MBDTF -> My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Well, I’ve been on a hip-hop trend again and decided to listen to something other than UK Drill and go back to the states. I wanted to listen to the most critically acclaimed albums, and Kanye was first. Next is Kendrick.

OMG. What an album MBDTF is. Like out of this world for production value. I need to listen a few times to focus on the substance but god damn every track is a banger.

Nobody IRL gives a shit so thought I’d ask here.


As the title say I am looking for some advice.

I’m almost 6 months into my first role and it really isn’t what I expected.

I’m late thirties and always had an interest in tech, but personal circumstances and a late start in life left me unsure if I was good enough.

I did too many boot camps and in all them they discussed how in your first role you would get lots of support to help develop your skills.

I work for a small company < 10. I don’t feel I get the support I expected.

A lot of time the spec is kept in the lead engineers (owners) head and when given a task I get no timeframe, the task is given verbally with 100 words when I need 1000 words. It’s confusing to understand their vision so I’ll do something and either be told great or no that’s completely wrong.

If wrong I’m not called out and they will spend a little more time going over what they want.

The boss is always so busy that sometimes you feel like a burden asking for pointers.

The tech stack is great but as a mature company they have refined the process over numerous projects and the newest will start as a copy of the last one, keeping all the shared hooks and stuff, so naturally it’s second nature to them and I feel stupid.

I guess my question is is this normal and how do I write an email expressing these concerns and to gauge how I am doing?

As an aside, there is no remote work and no headphones in the office, even though nobody really talks about work that often. So when is a good time to start looking for your second role.

I feel like I flip between I am a god and can code anything and omg I know nothing show me the nearest bridge.



So I was diagnosed with ADHD in my late thirties and before that I was a mess, job to job etc. then got lucky and worked for a company that afforded me the chance to study for my dream job without work pressure.

I am now a software developer and although I went from being the smartest person in the groups I roamed to the dumbest person at work I still have half a foot in my old life of drugs and poor decisions (although the usage has dropped by 95% and I’ve got a good routine and go to bed early).

I feel like a pretentious dick when at a party and someone asks what I do for work, I kinda feel ashamed saying I’m a software developer. Like a fraud I guess.

How to stop this?

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