my lethal weapon is my WP:WTF
yeah, "Did you know" exists to encourage new articles, or major expansions of old ones. it cycles every six hours I think.
the post history is very infosec dot pub
Wikipedia rules make more sense when you understand they are entirely to keep the most pedantic nerds on earth from fighting
This is specifically about the current shitty "AI Overview" that is currently and specifically pissing people off and Google essaying that as the only interface to search. (Sure they might not, but OTOH predicting future behaviour from past behaviour.)
That they did fucking terrible overviews in the past is not some sort of excuse for the current and specific issue with the current and specific AI Overviews.
wtf with calling hating this extremely hateworthy shit "uncanny-valley reactionism"
acronym-spouting rules lawyers who will crush dissent by a thousand duck nibbles
hey now, my duck nibbling is thoroughly weaponised
i applied the relevant tags and rewrote the intro, may go through the rest later
video version, double episode!!
this video had so many technical hiccups. the front fell off. (literally, my teleprompter tablet's screen came unglued and fell off. what the.) openshot decided rendering was toooo haaaard and i had to make a copy of the source video with a keyframe every 10 frames. fucking computers.
yeah that's the tell
what if, right, we made a search engine so good it became the verb for searching, and then we replaced it with a robot with a concussion
oh yeah loved that format, perfect
however, Better Offline makes money
and a terrible pub