i mean, this post is absolutely on topic for here
choose your silicon valley thinkboi
edit: goddammit istewart got in first because we both saw this on the zitron discord
page tagged and question added to talk page
solving the halting problem by talking it to death
also includes a lot of our EA buddies!
And I do worry that the “the fda is too cautious” pushers are actually motte baileying for the total removal of the fda.
they absolutely are, see also Scott Alexander stanning for these guys
Control of resident data could be kept at municipality level
no, they'll fuck it up as hard as possible. These are not people who give a shit about the privacy of the plebs.
controller of the key pair
These are not people who are going to do things correctly, let alone doing complex things correctly. They are absolutely going to come up with some hamfisted bullshit, there is no way they are not. If they really try to do this, the most likely version is a central ID register but it's privatised.