these are compute GPUs that don't even have graphics ports
why does my degeneracy feel like work
being performatively worried about maid cafes specifically is absolutely a new one on me
yeah, TPOT is specifically the uwu smol bean neoreactionary race scientists
fwiw, after I posted this link on bsky I was alerted to this video (here's a transcript) on Hossenfelder's unfortunate foray into physicist disease, where she started pontificating on trans teens and treated the ROGD paper as non-trash:
so Hossenfelder's physics takes are one thing, buuut.
this video is from a month before the post
mod note: I now don't care if your video is good or not
greatest point against him being a rationalist is the 262 word manifesto, it would be 20,000 words with sections numbered I. II. III. and possibly diagrams
mod note: it's time for less enthusiasm
i'm sure we can get there with reasoned discussion and voting harder
This Horrifying Neoreactionary Techfash's Redemption Arc Will Warm Your Heart
someone is about to be!