It's part of a test I'm running for a plugin I'm making to give a toast and notification when you're banned or have content removed. I contacted an admin so we'll see if they can do it for me. Hopefully they can because I don't have any other way to test it out.
Agreed, I wish they'd stop with this whole discourse. Just let me fucking take estrogen. I've been waiting months and talking to a therapist, if I don't get it by march I'd doing DIY. I encourage others to join me, no more shit, no more games. Just Do It.
Yeah, though I am more flexible than most people when it comes to that. Many people are either tops or bottoms mostly, I'm happy with both.
I never feel bad for correcting them when they self-incorrect themselves. I tend to be more on the aggressive side when someone gets it right the first time but then goes "sorry sir". One time I went off on a waitress for doing it, and she looked so scared and deeply regretted it, she looked like she was going to cry. After the meal when she brought the check she apologized profusely for misgendering me. So I think being a bitch about being misgendered is sometimes a good thing. When I've been nice people are pleasant but end up forgetting. But when I'm a bitch, they remember.
It's like spritzing a cat's face with water to get them to stop doing that thing they shouldn't be doing. Unpleasant but necessary.
Ok that's fair enough, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree and end it at that.
For the record I apologize if I came off as too harsh to their claims. I should've been more understanding. I'm very used to people making false claims, especially ones of a severe nature, and when I saw they were making a claim and presenting evidence that wasn't supporting those claims I thought it was one of those. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding.
I don't think so. It's pretty toxic to accuse a person of bigotry when they aren't posting things that are bigoted, and actually have and enforce rules in their community against bigotry. All simply because of a content genre they dislike.
I don't like the format and I agree that there's reasons to be skeptical but I don't think it's okay to outright accuse a person of being bigoted when they have not been bigoted. If they had shown evidence of the person being bigoted, rather than their evidence being a guilt by association, that would be different but I haven't seen such evidence and it seems like their community is largely hostile to bigotry.
I don't mind. I like all kinds of women, cis, trans, tops, bottoms. I just like women.
Thank you I didn't know who made it, I just found it. Added to the post body.