[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 11 points 16 hours ago

Does it lock up when booting? Fedora's kernel has issues booting on Surface devices since Fedora 39.

You either need to switch kernels (e.g. linux-surface kernel) on a different machine or switch distro.

Running an outdated Fedora version is not the solution.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 17 points 1 day ago

it’s cool now

No, it's pretty hot actually.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 4 points 1 day ago

That only applies to the GNOME variant, the KDE spin is missing the third party repo toggle.

At least the Flathub repo is fixed on the GNOME variant now. The Nvidia repo is added but the driver is not installed, meaning you still need to use the CLI to install the drivers.


[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 4 points 2 days ago

No, it's like buying a car without understanding how the engine works, which a lot of people do.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 17 points 2 days ago

My first sentence when I get connected to a chat bot is always "Let me speak to a human".

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 10 points 2 days ago

It caters to a middle ground that barely exists, meaning it doesn't have enough options for a power user and too many for a newcomer.

For example, a newcomer doesn't know what a root account is and doesn't have to care, yet they have to choose if they want to enable or disable the account. They can also remove their administrator privileges without knowing what it means for them. I get asked what a root account is every time somebody around me tries to install Fedora.

I recommend spinning up a Ubuntu 24.04 VM and taking a look at their installer.

They have a clear structure on how to install Ubuntu step by step while Fedora presents you everything at once. They properly hide the advanced stuff and only show it when asked for it. They have clear toggles for third party software right at the installer and explain what they do. Fedora doesn't even give you the option to install H264 codecs or Nvidia drivers.

It also looks a lot cleaner and doesn't overload people with too much info on a single screen. And yet it can still do stuff like automated installing and has active directory integration out of the box, where the Fedora installer miserably fails for a "Workstation" distro.

The Fedora installer works, but it doesn't do much more than that and the others do it better in many areas.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Long-time Fedora user here. I do not think Fedora is noob friendly at all.

  • Their installer is awful
  • Their spins are really well hidden for people who don't know they exist
  • The Nvidia drivers can't be installed via the GUI
  • There's no "third party drivers" tool at all
  • The regular Flathub repo is not the default and their own repo is absolutely useless
  • AMD/Intel GPUs lack hardware acceleration for H264 and H265 out of the box, adding them requires the console
  • Their packages are consistently named differently than their Ubuntu/Debian counterpart

I really like Fedora for their newish packages without breaking constantly. I still would not recommend it for beginners.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 16 points 3 days ago

That's less of an opinion and more of a hardware restriction, isn't it?

If I had a 5 Mbps connection or no display that can display 4k, I also would not download in 4k.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 29 points 4 days ago

Yes, because Docker becomes significantly more powerful once every container has a different publicly addressable IP.

Altough IPv6 support in Docker is still lacking in some areas right now, so add that to the long list of IPv6 migration todos.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 4 points 4 days ago

Did the appeal do anything?

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 9 points 5 days ago

A lot of absurdly long attack chains where it’s hard to read when you have an opening. Delayed attacks you have to memorize the timing for. Attacks where the enemy either dashes or stretches their model an absurd distance to hit you so it’s hard to get away from them or gauge distances.

That's also my main critique with Elden Ring. There's so many spin to win enemies in the game that will just keep attacking for 10 seconds straight, it gets old so quickly.

I miss the slow and methodical attacks from DS1 and to some extent DS3. DS3 was already a lot quicker than DS1 but most attacks were really well choreographed so I didn't really mind. When an enemy pulled their sword back in DS3 you knew they were about to attack. In Elden Ring they will hold that sword back and hold and hold and hold and then after you rolled 3 times they hit you. It's almost impossible to read an attack on the first try, which feels really unsatisfying.

Not to say I don't like Elden Ring, I do. But out of all From games it's one of the weaker entries.

[-] domi@lemmy.secnd.me 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Didn't even buy the DLC.

That's the issue, game works fine with the DLC and fails without the DLC.

At least when playing offline you can use er-patcher to play it without framerate limit, chromatic aberration and in ultrawide. https://github.com/gurrgur/er-patcher

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by domi@lemmy.secnd.me to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social

Hey there,

I used to have a command run 10 seconds after the screen is locked which turned all displays off. I can't find the option to run a command when the screen locks anymore.

In Plasma 5 I used this:

This is what it looks like in Plasma 6:

Is there another place to do this now?

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