
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I think I'll remain agnostic on that one. Ask me again in 50 years and I'll probably know the answer by then. Unless I happen to somehow reach the age of 106 without dying, in which case I'll take a raincheck.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

It seems that this happens when you subscribe to a community on a different instance from your own. You can still read, post and interact exactly as if you were fully subscribed, you're just not counted in the number of subscribers. I've been told that you can force the system to subscribe you properly by repeatedly unsubbing and re-subbing, but I've had no luck with doing that so I just leave them alone now.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think lemmings is the best one. Lemmings are cute.


It's almost the end of June and that means it's time for your mid-year review/reset. Regular reviews are important in planning, because it helps you keep track of what's still important and how you're getting on in approaching your goals.

There are a few steps to consider.

  1. Flip through your past pages looking for tasks that are not yet done. For each task, ask yourself three questions. Is it vital? Does it matter? Are there any negative consequences of not doing it? If the answer to any of these three questions is "yes". migrate the task forward into July. If all three answers are "no", then this task probably isn;t important enough to bother with any more, so bin it.

  2. Take a look at your goals. Are you making progress towards them? If not, why not? What needs to change so that you can? Do you have too many goals? You can also apply the same three questions to your goals too, and maybe shelve the ones that don't matter. On the other hand if you've made good progress and have cleared your goals with ease, you can consider some new ones to add in.

  3. If you're tracking habits, take a look at those and see where your successes and failures are. If you find you're blasting through with ease, drinking 8 cups of water or doing your 30 minute daily workout without even needing to think about it, you can probably stop tracking those habits. You got them. For ones you're never achieving, consider again whether they really matter, and if they don't, consider dropping them.

  4. If you have an end-of-year review from December 2022, take a look at it now and see if there are any insights there into what was important for you at that time, and whether anything has changed 6 months later.

  5. If you're working in a bullet journal or customised planner, consider your spreads too. Are the ones you have working for you? Do you want to make any changes for July? Uncompleted spreads are a sign that they're not working for you so try to figure out what you dislike about the spread and why it's not useful, then decide whether to either dump the spread altogether, or re-design it. Also consider if something was missing, and whether you want to add anything new.

  6. Finally (and this one applies equally to long-form journalling as well as planning and bullet-journalling) think about the past six months and how it's gone overall for you. What were your great successes so far this year? What have you learned? What memories do you particularly cherish? What didn't go so well and how could you have handled it better? If you're working in a planner or BuJo you can answer these questions in a mid-year review spread. If you're journalling long-form, you can write a page or two to answer them. Either way, don't forget to put the page number into your index, because you'll want to refer to it at your end-of-year review too.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

yes, because no ads basically means my antivirus software has nothing to do. Creators have no choice over what ads are served up with the content and 99% of ads are loaded with malware whether you click on them or not.

Creators need to come up with better ways to monetise their content instead of relying on them.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Classic martini, dirty, with an olive.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

No, not really. I used Reddit more for discussions on niche topics/subreddits and tend to particpate more in text posts than link posts. I was never on Reddit for news or politics and its the same here. I'm engaging in fewer discussions on Lemmy so far, simply because there are fewer of them here right now.

[–] 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The trouble with any sort of captcha or test, is that it teaches the bots how to pass the test. Every time they fail, or guess correctly, that's a data-point for their own learning. By developing AI in the first place we've already ruined every hope we have of creating any kind of test to find them.

I used to moderate a fairly large forum that had a few thousand sign-ups every day. Every day, me and the team of mods would go through the new sign-ups, manually checking usernames and email addresses. The ones that were bots were usually really easy to spot. There would be sequences of names, both in the usernames and email addresses used, for example ChristineHarris913, ChristineHarris914, ChristineHarris915 etc. Another good tell was mixed-up ethnicities in the names: e.g ChristineHuang or ChinLaoHussain. 99% of them were from either China, India or Russia (they mostly don't seem to use VPNs, I guess they don't want to pay for them). We would just ban them all en-masse. Each account banned would get an automated email to say so. Legitimate people would of course reply to that email to complain, but in the two years I was a mod there, only a tiny handful ever did, and we would simply apologise and let them back in. A few bots slipped through the net but rarely more than 1 or 2 a day; those we banned as soon as they made their first spam post, but we caught most of them before that.

So, I think the key is a combination of the No-Captcha, which analyses your activity on the sign-up page, combined with an analysis of the chosen username and email address, and an IP check. But don't use it to stop the sign-up, let them in and then use it to decide whether or not to ban them.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't even know who the admins are here.


A comment from u/foxtrots reminded me of Everbook, which is a simple system of journalling on loose-leaf pages. I haven't tried it myself but I might, when I've filled my current bullet journal).


I think you all know what's frustrating me 😆

And, just a reminder, it's not expected to respond in comments to these prompts; you're supposed to write your answers in your own journal 😊

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Here's screenshots of your comments on the three threads:

The fault seems to be limited to certain threads... which are still showing zero comments for me, but maybe not newer ones?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I haven't, but how can I check if the people leaving the comments have/haven't? And how can I get them to change it, if they have, if I can;t reply to them?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I haven't started an instance. I've started a single community on I have already been interacting successfully with other communities, it seems to be only the one I made that's having problems. And I don't think it's related to federating, because most of the comments I can't see are from users on my own instance.

It feels very much like a shadowban, except I know it's not, because of that one single comment I can see.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I have created a community, and made several posts. On one post, I see a comment, and have replied to it. That's the only comment I can see. However, now a friend of mine has joined my community and he can see lots of comments on many posts (he's sent me screenshots to prove it). I can't see any of the comments he can see.

He is on a different instance, ( but that doesn't seem to be the issue, because the one comment I can see is also from a user on, and the comments my friend can see are from both instances. There are even comments from users on that I can't see either.

What's going on? Why can't I see comments on my own community and how do I fix it?

If I can't resolve it, I will just have to close the community because it's pointless if I can't see or respond to anything that anyone else says.

And it's just occurred to me that I may not even see replies to this, if there are any. .. so I may never know the answer...


Apparently, people are leaving comments to my posts but I can't see any of them, save for one that I replied to a couple of days ago. To everyone else, I can only apologise, if you are waiting for a reply I am unfortunately not able to give them.

If anyone knows how I may resolve this, please advise by creating a new post (if you reply to this one, I may never see it).


I had never heard of a commonplace book until I started to follow the journaling community on Youtube. When I discovered it, I realised that it's something I'd already been keeping for years.

A commonplace book is essentially a repository of information that you find, and want to keep or remember. Quotes, maxims, proverbs, shower-thoughts, notes on books you've read, even recipies, reference tables, letters, poems... it's like a scrapbook of words. Or a personal encyclopedia. I've heard it described as the writer's equivalent of an artist's sketchbook, and as I'm both an artist and a writer, I think this analogy is perfect.

It's not just for writers though. It's for anyone. Readers, researchers, students, anyone who has an interest in just about any topic. You're a keen cook? Keep a commonplace book of recipes you find. A gardener? Keep one for information about plants you're growing or interested in growing. Avid consumer of Netflix? Keep track of series you're watching and what you learn from them.

Commonplace books have a long history, going back to Roman philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius (Meditations), and they rose in popularity during the Rennaissance. With the advent of the printing press, many were published.

A commonplace book is a type of journal but it's not a diary (which is the most usual way a journal is structured). It differs from a diary in that its content is not chronological, but rather, categorised by topic. Thus, the most critical part of your commonplace book is the Index. I keep mine in loose-leaf binders which makes searching and categorising even easier.

For those looking for a digital solution, the rise of information management apps such as Notion, Obsidian and Logseq are absolutely perfect for this purpose. Commonplacing is exactly what these apps are created for, even if the creators of them weren't aware of it.


Bullet journaling is a complex topic and I can't explain it any better than the man who invented it, Ryder Carroll. In this video, he shows what it's all about and how to get started.


I've noticed that any community I've subscribed to that's on a different server is showing on my list as "subscription pending". Everything seems to work though, I can still comment and post on these communities without a problem, so I'm not too concerned about that.

However I do have one other question about it. I've experienced difficulty finding communities that are not on this server, and been told its because no-one from this server has subscribed to it yet. But... if subscriptions to other servers' communities are always "pending", that means no-one from this server ever actually can properly subscribe to them. Does this mean that the difficulties will persist regardless? Or is a "pending" subscription sufficient?


SOLUTION FOUND - thank you

There is a community called Tarot on, and I want to subscribe to it. The url is I've been to when not logged in and I can see it there. But when I try to find it from here, I can't. I tried putting ! in the search and got "no results found". I've been told that "someone needs to search for it, for it to appear", but I have already tried to search for it, many times. What else needs to happen for me to be able to see and subscribe to this community?

Or do I just have to make a second account on

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