[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 6 points 2 months ago

it doesn't have to. main reason for this war being this long is reluctance of western partners to deliver equipment necessary to keep initiative in present state of war. As a result - Ukrainian army get decimated while russians are getting better and everything awful they do: war crimes, defences, offense etc. Time is running out to help Ukraine and calls to "bust give up now" are self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm a pacifist at heart but in this case there is no way of stopping russian expansion (present and future) than to supply Ukraine with all necessary to win. Otherwise 1-2yr after "negotiations" we'll have v2.0 where russia chomps off next piece of Ukraine (or other bordering country) while the rest of the world will keep repeating "what's the point? we gave in last time, might as well save ourselves the trouble and give up now". Solution by escalation is still possible as russia still has upper limit they are bumping against, but they keep on raising it so soon enough nothing will help, and that's what russians hope for.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 6 points 6 months ago

"Appall the supreme Court" . There, I fixed it for ya

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 6 points 6 months ago

they will finance farmers to feed cows some stuff reducing burping but there's not a word in implication on animals/humans. Like wheat mutation that allowed larger yields but spiked gluten content this has the same potential. How about "stop feeding animals crap they are not supposed to eat"? We've had A LOT of bizon and other ruminants grazing this land before we've exterminated them with no methane effects seemingly. So perhaps it's worth looking at sustainable husbandry rather than feedlots and factory farms?

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 7 points 6 months ago

why does the photo look like instant meme?

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 5 points 7 months ago

Your optimism is inspiring, but IMO misplaced 🙁 Here in Canada conservatives like to use the same trick election after election: they strip "safety net" bare all until ~6mo before election. Then they throw a few one-time cheques before election and... voila: all is forgotten and forgiven. Same here in reverse: any downfalls just before election would define voter behaviour, not the systemic view at ability to govern.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 10 points 7 months ago

form Ars


According to reporting from Kara Swisher and The Information, it's looking like the ouster of Altman stemmed from an internal disagreement over the direction of the company with regard to a focus on profits over safety... wasn't too far off

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 10 points 8 months ago

This is actually news in reverse. Considering present world situation (Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan in the works) and the fact that between election in 2016 and now situation is absolutely and categorically different, Canada does need modern fleet. War in Ukraine highlighted all of the weaknesses of old equipment as well as prompted NATO members to be ready to depmoy forces outside of their own borders (yes, russia won't be attacking Canada, but it may attack nearby NATO states and Canada will have to step in. Sending our pilots for slaughter under those conditions is wreckless).

While I'm no fan of JT and his flipping on promisses, this time I think there's credit due. Article title should've read: "Canadian government reacted to military escalations around the globe by moving forward with fleet upgrade". We can debate what should fleet be upgraded to, but the fact that it has to be upgraded is obvious.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 7 points 8 months ago

Trudeau got very cocky... Like PCs did in Alberts when they've got their asses handed to them in 2015. Doesn'y change the fact that there's no single politician fit for the post. He's just the best of the worst and I bet he knows it. Electoral system should have been fixed as he promissed, that's when we could've had a chance now - forcet it. We're staring at 4yrs with Cons until folks will get to their senses... or 8 if they don't. Singh is OK but he lacks drive and charisma to overcome Trudeau and PP. We're f@ck'd

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 8 points 8 months ago

Whatever you've done to UI must be some atrocity as I do not experience issues with FF. You've never specified which FF extension you've used that had slowed down your browser.

Chrome (and by extension) Chromium and all derivative browsers are Google's lever to truly control and shape internet to their liking. Multiple people said it already.

Personally I find Chromium UI very cumbersome and dislike it a lot. Which is to say we all have our own preferences for UI.

In your case you'd have to weigh your repulsion with available performant FF UIs vs future of internet and choose which decision can you really live with.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 5 points 8 months ago

wouldn't call it dictatorship. More like self-propelled cleptocracy. Having more power vested in PM suits "winner" parties just fine as it gives them leverage even in minority government. Peak of dictatorial behaviour was under Harper, but Trudeau is a skillful pupil...

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 10 points 10 months ago

despite my socialist views I'm also a realist: no elected government in Canada or US would socialize real estate. None. Within current economic and political system it's a surefire recipefor country implosion. The only feasible solution is taxing "luxury" properties and diverting that money towards subsidized/public housing. Demand outpaces supply and supply is being choked by corporations and individuals scooping up properties and not releasing them back either as rentals or for resale. Make it passable for them to sell and impossible to hold and we can bring market to some shaky equilibrium. Build more affordable housing and you may stabilize the market. There are no other options on the table as far as I know.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 6 points 10 months ago

Right, thats where the line has been drawn. Lets not overwhelm penal system with privileged white jackasses, lets keep it for underprivileged to prevent them from getting ahead.

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