[-] dumbass@leminal.space 17 points 12 hours ago

Nope, you can't stand there for generations going "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" Then get shitty when we do, we want to watch you drive that burning bus into the the ocean.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 3 points 15 hours ago

Some how you've made that cringy af.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

When I was a kid we used to call.one of my uncles exs ICQ, because she laughed exactly like the icq lol sound.

She must have thought we loved her, we were always trying to make her laugh just to hear it.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 19 points 1 day ago

Thats the 'cat free house' way.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 6 points 2 days ago

That'll do pig, you piece of shit.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 12 points 2 days ago

Yeah, it does Give them a slightly unfair advantage over the active shooter, that's why the cops had to wait, they were required to give them a head start.

A surprising amount of rules involved in it.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 22 points 3 days ago

You say no to that cute little face!

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 12 points 3 days ago

Yeah, I can fully understand thinking gods angry with me for something I was doing if I saw that shit.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 19 points 3 days ago

Waiter comes up with a tray: pig in a blanket?

Me half stoned laying in bed: the fuck did you call me?

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 5 points 5 days ago

The first ones just a British family on holiday.

[-] dumbass@leminal.space 23 points 6 days ago

Ps3 is starting to be referenced as retro now....

home (leminal.space)
i should buy a boat. (leminal.space)
tranquility (leminal.space)
hello friend (leminal.space)
andromeda tapes. (leminal.space)
midnight walk. (leminal.space)
evil cheese. (leminal.space)
Are you ready to rock? (leminal.space)
tranquility (leminal.space)
I beat it! (leminal.space)

So this game has never had internet access, so the names of the ai characters HAVE to be stored in game....

submitted 1 month ago by dumbass@leminal.space to c/nostalgia@lemmy.ca
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