[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 21 points 1 day ago

“Costumers” make the costumes. Clearly Mr Mathers was providing craft services for a movie being shot in Detroit.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 41 points 1 day ago

I can’t remember who said it, but the quote “it is no sign of mental health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick world” was being thrown around when I was a kid in the nineties, and it’s not like things have improved much since then.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net -5 points 3 days ago

Well then there’s zero consequences in him vetoing something, if it will be instantly overruled. Except Biden doesn’t actually care. Biden shocked Menachim Begin back in the eighties by saying the IDF should feel free to murder Palestinian civilians. He clearly hasn’t become more compassionate to the Palestinian people over time.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 22 points 4 days ago

I was wondering about that, I saw a botanist’s video about a carnivorous plant nursery and he mentioned plants like VFTs and pitcher plants evolved in high-precipitation areas where the soil has been leached of nutrients.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 6 points 5 days ago

So monkeys are rectangles and chimps/apes are squares.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 5 points 6 days ago

Sure. It’s also worthwhile to recognize trolls and not reward their bad-faith posting by interacting with them.

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 1 points 6 days ago

You expect serious analysis from someone posting that comment in a communism community?

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 55 points 6 days ago

It’s more insidious than teaching us to “hate” Marxism. They teach us “oh, it’s lovely in theory but because of that darn human nature that makes all of us so greedy it can never work in practice.”

Poor owl (slrpnk.net)
crushing (www.al.com)

cross-posted from: https://sopuli.xyz/post/11310783

This 7-year-old has a lemonade stand to pay for her mom's tombstone

The OCM is shut down for a few hours (www.goodmorningamerica.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11260815

Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

Over 7,000 students in Georgia with unpaid lunch balances are getting a helping hand following a $1 million initiative from the Arby's Foundation, the nonprofit announced Thursday.

submitted 4 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

I installed Jellyfin on an iMac running Fedora 39/Gnome and it was running more or less without any issues. However, I wanted to have the iMac on a VPN which would prevent accessing content indexed by Jellyfin elsewhere. So I installed Ubuntu on an old Mac Mini that I had, planning to make it a NAS box as well as host Jellyfin. The install there did not go well at all, I got the error "The server is expected to host the web client, but the provided content directory is either invalid or empty."

I found a post on github where a user created the directory listed in the error and then copied from /usr/share/jellyfin/web/ and when I did that the startup went further but then it threw the error "Kestrel failed to start! This is most likely due to an invalid address or port bind - correct your bind configuration in network.xml and try again."

I could not find a clear answer as to where the "network.xml" file is located, and I couldn't find any files that seemed to have the contents that were expected in network.xml. I put that aside for another day, considering a different distro if there are any others that are better with jellyfin than Ubuntu.

Today I was going to watch something that had been working on the Fedora box, and it would not play. I checked systemctl and jellyfin was not running. I tried launching it from the terminal and I got the same "server is expected to host the web client" error I had before.

Has anyone else run into these issues? Is there any better documentation out there than what is on the jellyfin site? Any help is much appreciated.

submitted 4 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I installed Fedora 39 on an old iMac I had with a fusion drive (128GB SSD +1TB spinning disk.)

Fedora is installed on the SSD, and I want to use the spinning disk as a media drive. Problem is, it does not mount by default, so I figure I need to edit /etc/fstab to have it mount at startup.

I’m at work so I SSH into the iMac and get the UUID for the disk and then open fstab in vi, enter the new line with the uuid, directory I want the drive mounted in (/media), the filesystem (ext4) and the options. Try to write and quit, get an error the file is readonly. Try to set the file to noreadonly, write fails again. Try :wq! and get the error the file cannot be opened to write.

Exit vi, ls -la and see the file is read-only.

sudo chmod 644 fstab, put in password. ls -la shows file is still read only. lsattr fstab, immutable flag is not set.

Is this happening because I’m on SSH, or is there some other issue?

Anticolonirule (slrpnk.net)

I recently picked up the python mastery bundle from humble bundle and one of the books (about larger-scale projects) has its exercises built around using anaconda virtual environments. I am able to create a project using:

% conda create -n project0 —channel=conda-forge python=3.12

But when I try to activate project0 I get an error that “activate” is an invalid choice. When I tried to initialize conda for Bash, my terminal behaved like the default echo for typed characters turned off.

submitted 5 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/memes@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have an old iMac that I am planning to install some flavor of Linux on and while I was looking at various distros it occurred to me that it might be a good exercise to install Gentoo on it. Other than a separate machine for documentation and downloading the necessary packages, what else should I have set up to try this? Has anyone installed Gentoo on a Mac before? If so, what concerns are there related to things like Apple’s implementation of EFI?

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 120 points 6 months ago

Man, far right websites all seem to have shit infosec as a common thread along with racism and other assorted bigotry.

submitted 7 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have a Lenovo Carbon X1 that is a few years old (7th gen), and I am running Fedora 38.5 with GNOME 44.5. The issue is that the system does not sleep properly. If I close the lid, nothing suspends properly, so if it is not on a charger or shut down it will die within several hours in my bag. Are there any distros that handle power management and suspend status on this hardware better than Fedora?


Hoboken has slowed traffic and increased bike lanes and pedestrian areas, leading to a six year period with zero pedestrian deaths.

submitted 8 months ago by dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I am buying a friend’s PC for games. I want to avoid windows if at all possible, and I’m wondering what people’s experience using Proton in Linux for gaming has been. Are there certain publishers who use libraries Proton doesn’t handle well? Are there distros to avoid using with proton? Any other notes I should be aware of?

[-] dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net 248 points 10 months ago

Danny Pudi also said “socks” and Larry King was not having it. Makes me think Danny would be cool to meet and Larry not at all.

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