[-] elgordino@fedia.io 51 points 1 week ago

43% of Google traffic is now ipv6 and steadily growing


CGNAT is only a temporary band aid for reaching services that are yet to present themselves on IPV6. It’s relatively expensive to operate.

IpV6 might be largely pointless on a LAN, and sure NAT is fine there, but ipv6 already running large chunks of the world’s mobile infrastructure. It’s not going anywhere.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 58 points 1 week ago

TikTok spider has been a real offender for me. For one site I host it burred through 3TB of data over 2 months requesting the same 500 images over and over. It was ignoring the robots.txt too, I ended up having to block their user agent.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 44 points 1 week ago

One thing the EU got right was reducing interchange fees to 0.5%. The ridiculous situation in the US where airlines have become credit card companies that happen to have planes is madness.

Folks might like kickbacks but they’re paying for them anyway, it’s just hidden in the price and subsidised by folks who don’t use these cards.

The US should follow the EU’s lead here.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 36 points 1 week ago

Yeah it’s like thinking the “Democratic peoples Republic of Korea” is somehow democratic.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 14 points 3 weeks ago

He called the software integration between the two companies “an unacceptable security violation,” and said Apple has “no clue what’s actually going on.”

I’d be very surprised if corporates wouldn’t just be able to disable it in MDM for their worker’s phones. Not sure it’s Apple who has ‘no clue’ here.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 20 points 3 weeks ago

The thing with serverless is you’re paying for iowait. In a regular server, like an EC2 or Fargate instance, when one thread is waiting for a reply from a disk or network operation the server can do something else. With serverless you only have one thread so you’re paying for this time even though it’s not actually using any CPU.

While you’re paying for that time you can bet that CPU thread is busy servicing some other customer and also charging them.

I like serverless for it’s general reliability, it’s one less thing to worry about, and it is cheap when you start out thanks to generous free tiers, at scale it’s a more complex answer as whether it is good value or not.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 44 points 4 weeks ago

Heres a video of him saying “that plays great before the election. Now we don’t care”

Sorry for the Facebook link!


[-] elgordino@fedia.io 16 points 1 month ago

The ‘45 seconds to respond’ format was a mistake. Fewer topics with longer responses might actually have been interesting, but this stifled all opportunity for any thought to be expressed in anything more than trivial detail.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 23 points 1 month ago

This is a great map of the night train services across Europe.


They vary significantly in levels of comfort and price, but there’s a lot to check out. Shame this new service didn’t work out.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 11 points 3 months ago

I hope it’ll be good, but I expect it won’t be.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 12 points 3 months ago

It is a party of grievance and a campaign of grievance…. It's exhausting, it's unattractive, it makes us feel bad."

My only hope for the election is that folks are finally tired of grievance politics.

[-] elgordino@fedia.io 23 points 3 months ago

What does ‘unaffordable with fiat currencies’ even mean? This guy knows you can divide BTC right?

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